Doctoral degree in the Liberal Arts (GS)

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by cravenco, Jun 18, 2010.

  1. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    It isn't just you. If a doctoral program requires a dissertation, then that's going to demand a carefully focused research topic.

    I think that our original poster might have been thinking of interdisciplinary as opposed to general studies.

    Many dissertation topics draw upon multiple disciplines. As just one example, a project on some history-of-ideas aspect of ancient religious art and iconography is apt to require some basic familiarity with art history, religious studies, broader intellectual history, philosophical issues, ancient languages, literature and philology, archaeology, and who knows what else.

    Perhaps a different way to approach doctoral-level general studies might be with an Ed.D. degree or something like that, concentrating on some aspect of general arts and humanities pedagogy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2010
  2. cravenco

    cravenco New Member


    That is correct. Interdisciplinary, General Studies, Liberal Arts, are, as I came to understand, the same.
  3. cravenco

    cravenco New Member

    Guys. I am posting replies...namely several that do not show up. For the reason is, I suppose, because a MOD must approve it.

  4. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    When someone is as new to the board as you, their posts are under closer scrutiny so they get delayed, sometimes for quite awhile. It's nothing against you, it's just one of the ways the admins use to limit the barrage of spam. Keep at your posts, the delays will stop soon.
  5. cjzande

    cjzande New Member

    I read this and knew the name rang a bell, but I couldn't place it right away. Then I finally remembered -

    I was intrigued by the logo: "The Nursery to PhD Homeschool Program." We considered it for our son, but we were already so far along in his studies when we heard of it, it seemed like it would be too difficult a program to jump into the middle of.

    Maybe he'll be interested in the PhD program somewhere down the line. It's nice to hear someone is enjoying it.
  6. cravenco

    cravenco New Member



    I am leaning towards HMU. More or likely this will be my place of study.


    As far as the National/regional Acc. is concerned, it is what you, as a student bring out of the education rather than what others think.
  7. cravenco

    cravenco New Member


    Just applied to HMU.
  8. Congratulations, cravenco, let us know how things are going.


    Interesting web page. I had not seen that before. One thing, though: Unless I am mistaken the suggested pathway would lead to a Dr. Arts (DA) rather than to a Ph.D. Harrison Middleton offers the former rather than the latter. If I am overlooking something, someone please post a correction.
  9. cravenco

    cravenco New Member


    You are correct, Phillip. HMU offers a Doctor of Arts, not a PhD.
  10. cravenco

    cravenco New Member


    If you are referring to what is written on the web page, yes, I understand the confusion, for it does say Nursery through PhD.
  11. cjzande

    cjzande New Member

    @Philip: How funny! You would think that the Great Books Academy could get that straight. I guess they thought "Nursery to DA" didn't sound as good? It almost makes me want to email them and ask what's up, you know?

    @cravenco: Congratulations! :)
  12. cravenco

    cravenco New Member


    I will attempt to keep you guys updated, for there, other than Phillip, seems to be a small amount of alumni, students, etc involved with the DA program at HMU.
  13. Tylin

    Tylin New Member

    That would be wonderful! I have been eyeing the program. Which concentration did you choose?
  14. cravenco

    cravenco New Member


    I only recently applied (06-22-2010), so I have not gone in-depth into the process of study and concentration. I have much I want to learn, so it will be a process of elimination. I will let you guys know as soon as I find out more.
  15. cravenco

    cravenco New Member

    I have been very busy, but learned through a phone call and e-mail that I was granted into the program at Harrison Middleton University. I will need to draw up a course plan and submit it soon.

    This is an update, so stay turned.


    Also, and not to bump Harrison Middleton University, but I cannot seem to locate any alumni of Harrison Middleton University. Seems odd, but we'll see as time goes on. Is this a secret society? LOL. Just kidding.
  16. -kevin-

    -kevin- Resident Redneck

    use this search term:

    "harrison middleton university"

    lots of fluff, but a couple of individuals turn up who might be comfortable with answering your questions.
  17. cravenco

    cravenco New Member

    Phillip has helped me, but I was looking for alumni. Looking at when the D.A. stated at HMU, there may not be a lot if they took the degree to the full term.
  18. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    One program, which is not DL, but sounds like the type of program being discussed here, is the Doctor Of Liberal Studies offered through Georgetown University's School of Continuing Studies.
    Doctor of Liberal Studies | Georgetown University School of Continuing Studies

    Perhaps, 10 or 15 years from now, I will return to DC and pursue this degree. The program looks outstanding, and the quality of the students in the program is quite high.
  19. Way to go! Congratulations.

    Putting together a course plan is exciting, since there are so many Syntopicon entries to consider. I designed a program around "Art" and "Language," as those topics seem to match most closely the work I completed for my MA in Humanities from California State University, Dominguez Hills. I imagine you will find it difficult to narrow down your own interests to the required scope.

    Very nice indeed. That does look like an attractive program.
  20. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

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