I believe distance education is the future and it is certainly for me, however, I presently need to get a bachelor's degree, my current economic situation will not allow me to study where I would like to, and I am certain that I can pass a good portion of the exams required. I am absolutely not looking for a piece of paper, I am willing to study however much is necessary to be able to obtain my degree from an accredited institution, but again, my economic condition dictates that I try and get as many credits by exam as I possibly can. My question, where would I find the least expensive credit by exams accepted by other institutions, so I can later on finish and get my degree through regular online courses. Thank you
The most common exams for credit are the CLEP and DANTES exams. Both are roughly the same price ($45-$50) and usually worth 3 semester credits, though the CLEP General exams and some Subject exams (Analyzing & Interpreting Literature comes to mind) are worth 6 credits, same price. Excelsior College (formerly Regents) also grants considerable credit (up to 30 semester credits) for Subject GRE's, which run about $100 each. I believe the current policy is the better you score, the more credit you get. I think in your situation, contact Excelsior and check the current policy of Subject GRE's, then fill in the blanks with General CLEP's as much as possible. Bruce
It is also important to note that Excelsior will also put together specialized exams in subject areas and award credit. You can check them out at http://www.excelsior.edu John ------------------ John R. Wetsch, Ph.D.
Another source of credit by examination may be found at your local community college or university. I recently tested for eight quarter hours of IS classes, which will appear on my transcript and can be transferred to other RA institutions. Total cost: $80 and several days spent studying feverishly. Sinclair Community College here in Dayton, for instance, will allow you to challenge nearly any class they offer. Also, some occupational training programs and certain licenses (such as a pilot's license) may have been recommended by ACE for college credit. Check ACE's Website ( http://www.acenet.edu/calec/corporate/home.html ) for more information. Finally, check Steve Levicoff's page detailing credit by portfolio: http://levicoff.tripod.com/tesc.htm . If you can handle his 'tude, you'll get on the fast track to distance education. Mark A. Sykes
A seldom discussed option is Ohio University's credit by examination program. These credits are accepted by Charter Oak State College and, I believe, by Excelsior College. At $42/qtr. hr. they are not as cheap as CLEP or Dantes exams, but there is a large selection of courses which can be challenged. In addition, for a slightly higher fee, they will try to arrange a credit by exam for any course in their undergraduate catalog that does not involve a laboratory component. http://www.cats.ohiou.edu/independent/ccewords.htm ------------------ Bill Gossett
Thank you everyone for your responses, this is my first time in this forum, and I was uneasy about posting my question due to answers and flaming in usenet groups, answers have been very informative and I am already researching the sites listed. Guillermo Hernandez
I'm doing an Excelsior degree via examination. If you have any other questions just fire away. GRE and portfolio credit may be much faster for some people, but I've enjoyed the examination approach. [email protected]