Nope - xenon, krypton, argon, radon etc. -- not even in it. Always interesting to see ancient words reapplied to modern discoveries, though. Very stylish. As a fashion guy, I like it. Retro! And xenophobia isn't crippling - sufferers can move easily -- in fact they can strut and are well-known for "grandstanding," A large part of why I dislike them. Xenophobia is not crippling in the body sense - just the mind. It's sad. But I'm not going to waste any time on it. Not worth it.
You do that by waking people up to the issues. You sometimes do that by cursing about what's going on. Though... some people obviously need to be smacked around with a frying pan, because cursing isn't strong enough.
African Americans tried to "correct the course" for a hundred years after slavery ended. Many were lynched or otherwise murdered. In the 60s, some whites who worked with them in the cause were also murdered. Yes - a smack-around with a frying pan is pretty lenient, compared to what some of the opposition is prepared to do, when one attempts to "correct the course."
I don't know what Eugene Stoner, AKM or SKS 45 means. A shotgun is designed for things like bird or rabbit hunting. It is also good for home protection. An AR15 is designed for killing people. It is very efficient and effective at killing people, lots of people very quickly. It is much more efficient and effective at killing lots of people than a shotgun or a pistol, for example. That is very good in the context of the military but very bad in the context of a school or a grocery store. It would seem to me that critical rhetoric and trying to correct a country's course would normally go hand-in-hand?
Speaking seriously, I'm not so sure I'd class Mexico that way. The country has problems, oh yeah, for sure, serious problems, but the government itself is stable and power is successfully transferred every six years without incident. The same can't be said about Canada, though...they never seem to transfer power at all!
Not true - or the Right Horrible Stephen Harper would still be PM - Helmet-Head would be at the helm. And he isn't. So there.
@nosborne48 Perhaps there should be a charity - to find a cure for xenophobia. I MIGHT give - but not very damn much. Zero ****s.
Mr. Oliver is a very talented comedian - but nothing can be funnier than the real thing - not even John Oliver. "Something appealing, something appalling. Something for everyone, our comedy tonight." - No, that was a different show. Apologies to the late Zero Mostel. None to Stephen Harper.
The most Canadian thing Oliver could come up with was a Mountie driving a snowplow. About right, eh? Not as funny as the Newfie Nissan ad.
Do you understand what xenophobic means? My view of the the two sets of nations regards the nations. I did not address people at all. I am reporting your unnecessary 'bred of ignorance' comment. fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign
One of the great things about this country is people not supposed to be policed for the form of protest they chose to make, as long as no one is hurt. I am saddened that the right-wing demagogues are watering this down (for another example look under "Colin Kaepernick"). Also, thank you on behalf of all the law abiding immigrants for your lecture on how to be a good little model immigrant. Hope you can recognize sarcasm.
Just goes to show you that not even the Merriam Webster dictionary is perfect. They missed the additional DegreeInfo definition of xenophobia. That is the fear of Xenon.
So... When you are attacking people with cookware are you moe of a Richard Lionheart. I imagine him swinging a Lodge Cast Iron Skillet. or a Saladin type. I imagine him with an aluminum Teflon coated saute pan.