Certified MBA???

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Guest, Jul 18, 2003.

  1. triggersoft

    triggersoft New Member

    anyhow, the whole Tulance idea might be a good way to value up your Non-AACSB MBA with few bucks and time in your resume...

    I like this idea.
  2. Kirkland

    Kirkland Member

    On the basis of anyone offering a certification service for anything measurable, I suppose it will still be pursued by its founders and will have some support. It will be interesting to see if it really goes anywhere or becomes generally accepted in the marketplace. I predict 85-95% of those with MBA degrees will take their chances on the strength of the degree alone without having them recertified.
  3. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    CMBA Thoughts

    I too would like to know what someone who has taked this exam thinks -- find out what caused them to consider it. I took a look at their site, and my initial reactions are:
    • If this were an exam that sought to verify a "middle manager" level of business administration knowledge, I'd have no problem with it, even if it still required an MBA for the designation. Let a thousand flowers bloom; kill 'em all, let the market sort 'em out; and all that. But validating MBA programs with a single exam? Oh, come on.
    • Given that it's non-trivial to get set up with Thomson Learning to have a test available on their network throughout North America and to have an examination prep guide published, I think ICI should get the benefit of the doubt that they're fairly serious about doing something, even if it's not something the majority of DegreeInfo regulars think is very useful (myself included).
    • If I'm hiring a middle management position, and an MBA wielding candidate isn't impressing me, adding this won't help. Many technical certifications are useless for determining who actually know what they're talking about, since prep materials allow candidates to cram for the exam then still not know very much despite having passed it. MCSE is a classic example -- the IT industry is filled with "paper MCSEs" who passed the exams but still don't know TCP/IP from a hole in the ground. The idea, therefore, that a single exam will validate meaningfully a degree that took two years to get is laughable.
    • It's more impressive to assail one's adversaries' weak arguments than their weak grammar, especially in an international forum.

  4. Friendlyman

    Friendlyman New Member

    I really believe its possible to get out of lots, if not most, MBA programs without learning the fundamentals. I believe that the knowledge gained depends more of the student than the university, in lots of cases.

    I believe the CMBA can be a tool to prove the domain of the fundamentals. Although, as Steve pointed out, it carries the danger of measuring only test taking abilities. Maybe the interview or an in-house test would be better to guide a recruiter in teh choce of candidates.

    Unfortunately, as I saw in their site, there are no numerical grades. To me, the biggest appeal was the possibility to measure my results against students from the top schools.

    I found other exams alike surfing on the net too. There is one for managers, called CBM, and does not need any specific course to be taken prior to it. The URL is www.cbmexam.com . Any thoughts on that one?

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