Carribean diploma mills

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by BA1, Mar 19, 2009.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    If Yo-Yo Ma married Dr. YoYo in Iceland, he'd be Yo-Yo YoYo.
  2. zanger

    zanger member

    Which Caribbean diploma mills have government approval?
  3. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Zanger: "Which Caribbean diploma mills have government approval?"

    John: I'm not tracking these things too closely any more . . . but at one time, Eastern Caribbean University, run (according to the FBI) from the owner's garage in Smithville, Texas offered a variety of Master's and Doctorate degrees, based, as I recall, on writing reviews of James Bond films. The university was fully accredited by the government of St. Kitts and Nevis.

    The website was While there are a dozen or so listings for this on the Wayback Machine (, none seems to go there. A few are Shannon Steele Mystery sites, and a few are blocked by request of the owner.
  4. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Doctorates based on reviews of James Bond films? Where was I when this deal was still on the table? :confused:
  5. malaboman

    malaboman New Member

    St George or St George's

    St George's University is located in Grenada and was formed by act of parliament in Grenada in 1976. As such it would appear to be totally legit. As an unknown quantity as to quality, if one of their Medical graduates applied here (Hamad Medical Corporation) we would look closely at their list of studies etcto see if they were as well qualified as other Doctors from 3rd world countries we employ (Indian Sub Continent and Arabic world).

    St George (without the "s") University International appears to be, or have been, located in St Kitts and is/was a degree mill. Is there any proof that they were ever located in Grenada?

    CHEA list only St George University International as suspect but place it in the two locations. OSAC also do the same.

    It is highly important to note that St George's is NOT listed by OSAC or CHEA.

    So what the heck is all the argument about?

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