capella univ

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by speedoflight, Feb 28, 2001.

  1. speedoflight

    speedoflight New Member

    Does anyone know anything about Capella Univ? What do you guys think of it? I saw it on Peterson's Guide.
  2. Bob Harris

    Bob Harris New Member

    I'm currently taking a course at Capella towards a masters degree in Org & Mgmt. with specialization in communications technology. This course is only offered via on-line study. It took some effort to adapt to the on-line forum as I don't think it's very user-friendly. We're basically given weekly reading assignments from two or three books and required to post answers/comments to questions posted by the instructor. This is the only real assignments required for the course other than the final project.

    There is no "real-time" student-student or student-teacher interaction. Some students are trying to develop an online community feeling (which is good) by posting good-natured replies and comments as responses to student post's.

    The final project basically requires one to write some 30 pages on a critical analysis, or other method of showing you know what the course was about and how to apply it to a real-world situation. I've noticed that all courses have this requirement. It's one of those "pain in the ass" kind of assignments - very nebulous and cryptic instructions. It'll be very interesting to see how I'll come up with a 30 page paper on Managerial Accounting next quarter.

    I've also completed MBA coursework at the University of Phoenix and City University - although the courses were completed without doing any online presence (all correspondence). Both universities were good for what I was doing but, in general, I was not overly satisfied with either (in all fairness, I think a lot has to do with correspondance coursework versus classroom participation). I can't say that I'm overly excited with Capella either but my experience has been, in general, positive. The instructor has been helpful and responsive. The Capella staff was very helpful prior to and during the enrollment phase. The technical support staff was very quick to respond when I had a problem accessing the web site.

    I don't think one can go wrong with Capella. They have an extensive list of courses and a good variety of specializations. They seem to really emphasize a lot of e-business coursework. I'm a little disapointed that a number of their elective courses are only offered in specific quarters. This is reminisant of my traditional college days when I couldn't take certain courses I wanted to because they weren't being offered when I could take them.

    Good luck
  3. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I'm about 99% sold on their Ph.D. program in Human Services-Criminal Justice concentration. I've been a bit of a pain in the ass to them with about a billion questions, but I've found their staff to be very helpful and knowledgeable.

    I think what I'm going to do is enroll in their graduate certificate program (4 courses, all of which will transfer to the doctoral program) to "test the waters". If I like the quality and delivery method of instruction, I'll take the plunge and enroll in the Ph.D. program.

  4. speedoflight

    speedoflight New Member

    I think asking a billion questions is always good. Can't ask enough these days. If there's one thing I've learned is that the world takes advantage of those who are ignorant. It's also good to know that they are very responsive. I really dislike schools that take forever to respond and when they do, it's by some assistant who doesn't quite know what the heck they're talking about and you have to ask them to go ask someone else.

    Good luck to you with Capella. Do post whatever new you learn about them. Take care!

  5. PaulC

    PaulC Member

    I have completed all the coursework in my doctoral program at Capella. I hope to be defending my dissertation in September. I have had a terrific program. My two weeks spent in Minnesota were of real value. I have made valuable acquaintences along the way. I can't imagine a nearly three year experience such as this without a few bumps, but the bumps have been as much caused by me as anything else. What I have learned is beyond what I expected.

    I did 4 courses online, then took the advice of some other learners and completed the rest through self directed study where you select a course tutor who reviews your course completion plan and is your faculty representative for that course.

    Unavoidably, the classes are as much about the individual course faculty as they are about Capella. The faculty can make the course positive or a bear to get through. But that is certainly the way of any school.

    As I said, a good overall experience. I found Capella responsive and the learning meaningful.
  6. rbyers13

    rbyers13 New Member

    I start my Ph.D. in January and I am taking a full load (3 classes per quarter). Should complete my course work in 1 year and then move on to my dissertation.

    What is a "self directed study"? Would this kind of thing be beneficial?
  7. Shawn Ambrose

    Shawn Ambrose New Member

    I have been enrolled in Capella University's PhD program in Organization/Management since Spring 2003. It has taken me a bit longer than the average student because I have completed two leaves of absence due to military deployment and the birth of a child. I recently defended my dissertation proposal and expect to be competed with the degree by October 2009.

    Overall, the coursework was challenging. I did a great a great deal of reading and posting discussion questions during the program. I believe I had only one dud teacher; the rest of the teachers I had were supportive, active in class discussions, and graded work quickly.

    My committee chair has been exceptional - I could not have asked for a better mentor. She has been very critical in a great way with my proposal and comps. She has also been a sounding board for me in my career in higher education as well.

    There has been no issues for me concerning the acceptance of an online Ph.D. program. Since enrolling at Capella, I have presented three papers and chaired a panel discussion at academic conferences. I fully expect to publish my dissertation findings in a journal such as Armed Forces and Society or Parameters.

    As in any endeavors - graduate school will be what you make of it. I am glad that I chose Capella for my graduate studies, and would encourage anyone else to consider Capella for a quality education. Good luck in your decision.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2008
  8. BlackBird

    BlackBird Member

    In 2006 I finished my Ph.D. in psychology with a specialization in Family Psychology. I have had a very positive experience with Capella. I had only one negative thing happen but that was with a dissertation committee person who was a junior member with few years teaching who was a hardcore radical feminist and lesbian. She did not like my dissertation on masculinity that mentioned abusive/controlling/bullying women who create damage to the male psyche. She was angry at me... made me rewrite many portions, convinced the rest of the committee of seasoned professors to reverse their approval. I finally got my dissertation approved after the committee chair saw the unreasonable requests I was being forced to comply with. Outside of that one experience I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited greatly from doing my degree at Capella.
  9. edowave

    edowave Active Member

    Ouch. Couldn't you have just removed her from your committee?
  10. BlackBird

    BlackBird Member

    Yes, I could have but I had just completed my defense already. That's when everyone except her were by then predisposed to pass me. She then talked to them and convinced them to back up and make me do many more changes... to which they said, "Okay, then report to her on the changes and then to the Committee chair." I did not know the mini-hell that awaited me.

    It is possible to get a committee member taken off. In my case I was just weeks from finishing up.
  11. PaulC

    PaulC Member

    I can't believe a seven year old thread has been resurrected to ask a question and, after seven years, I am here to answer.

    First, I will say that my projection of being ready to defend in September 2001 was off by seven months. I did not defend until April of 2002. This made my program a total of about three and a half years. You said that you would be finished with your coursework by years end and on to your dissertation. What about your comps? After completing my coursework, it took me six months for my comps, and about a year for my dissertation.

    As to your question of self directed study, I believe Capella stopped offering that option around 2002/3. As a side note, I have had many opportunities and financially benefited as a result of my Capella degree. It has served me very well.
  12. PaulC

    PaulC Member

    It's just not the real thing without a little dissertation bullying. Right of passage and all, don't you know.

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