Are degrees from schools that have candacy status with a regional accrediting agency accepted at other universities?
Good question & one for some of the more experienced to answer. If I remember correctly from what I have seen posted here candidacy is not accreditation. Therefore graduating with a degree while a school is a candidate means that technically you do not have an accredited degree. However, (again IIRC), it was said that in practical terms this is rarely checked on a long as the school obtained accreditation. If you wanted you could ask the school to give you a certifcate of completion and then award the actual degree once they achieve accreditation. I have heard of this being done. North
Typically, yes, especially if they've subsequently received accreditation. If they're still candidates, then the prospects are still pretty good. Rich Douglas, who ows Wes a six-pack of Coors Light if NCU gets candidacy without having to add a residency requirement to its doctoral programs. (Wes pays if they add residency or are denied candidacy altogether.)