Bush won tonight. Kerry was dry, stammered and stumbled a few times and sounded like a broken record.
Jimmy Clifton = right again! I agree, Jimmy. Our President did a tremendous job. He was was extremely tough tonight. I loved it when he ignored Gibson and began his rebuttal. The line of the night: "you can run, but you can't hide"
Jimmy, I think you're being too nice to Kerry! Bush slam dunked him tonight! It was refreshing to see Bush be himself, and at the same time show he has a real command of the issues and is on the right side of those issues. I was also glad he pointed out Kerry's voting record (it's about time someone did!). Kerry's "labels don't mean anything" rhetoric was so weak I'm sure the liberals even saw through it. Go Bush! Four more years! Four more years! BLD
Hi Barry, Kerry was not so good at all tonight. He was hit with some tough questions he had not been prepared to answer. Bush, on the other hand, "the bumbling idiot" who cannot handle "extemporaneous" settings, did exceptionally well. It was Kerry who stumbled and stammered a number of times. Bush needs to point out Kerry voted against the first Gulf War. Let's hope Bush doesn't slip into the first debate mode for the next and final debate. "Four more years."
Actually I think the American people won ( the only ones who count ), it was a spirited, informative debate in which both candidates had to stand and deliver.... I agree that expectations for Bush were so low he got points just for showing up. A tie at best...anyone who thinks Bush won should have his/her head examined... I have the 10:00 p.m. news on in which they announced Kerry won by a few points...first quick poll I`ve heard on this.
A tie at best. Bush would make an excellent minister. He should consider the job once he loses the election this November. I noticed that neither really answered any questions. When Bush was asked if he never made any mistakes, he again move the question to Iraq. That wasn't the question Mr. Bush. I doubt the debate swayed anyone. The hard and fast Cons and Neo-Cons will support Bush to the gates of hell. Everyone else will support Kerry because there is no one else to vote for.
Bush did whine less, though he looked like he nearly came unglued a couple of times. Kerry absolutely nailed him on the facts AND the delivery. Bush's most telling moment, at least in terms of what he revealed to the public, was his complete inability to name 3 mistakes when asked specifically. This is a guy who absolutely cannot admit to any failings. In the process, he reveals his huge failing as a president. He's a one trick pony, and he keeps defending his grievous mistakes. When asked how he would control spending and cut the deficit, all he did was defend his spending. America cannot afford another 4 years of big government and huge deficits. 3 to zip.
Nope, more like 2-1 http://www.surveyusa.com/Scorecards/VPDebateWinnerLoserByRegion041006.pdf The polls combined have Sometimes Senator Kerry winning the 1st debate, and Richard Cheney winning the VP debate. So, as of now, the score is 1-1. However, I am confident that President Bush will be declared the winner this time around. 2-1 baby!!
Re: Nope, more like 2-1 Thank you very much for this link. Without this information the general public has been lead to believe Edwards won hands done in nearly every poll. It will be interesting to see this link with the results from tonight's and next Wednesday's debate.
Dutch treat on the debate *** Revanche Bush in debat *** Republikeinen hebben met opluchting gereageerd op het optreden van president Bush in het tweede presidentiële televisiedebat. Bush revancheerde zich voor zijn optreden een week eerder.... http://www.volkskrant.nl/buitenland/1097299586352.html (free registration needed)
Tom, I think you have hit on a very important point. In fact, I'll take it a step or two further.... Any normal person would have come up with some honest failings, maybe not big ticket items, but something.... anything to show you are human. What did Bush do? He immediately got defensive, claimed "Ahhh know whut this hair question iss all abouit", and then launched into a tirade DEFENDING (and thus revealing) his biggest mistakes - Iraq, the tax bill, and health care. The question was masterful in how it got inside Bush's head, brought his guard down, and got him to reveal his three biggest mistakes even while claiming they were successes. Everyone knows he is a failure. Even the people who post on this board saying "4 more years! 4 more years!" and other similar nonsense. EVERYONE knows Bush is an idiot - none of you neo-cons or cons can possibly look each other in the eye and truly believe that this guy is good for our country, or that you wouldn't secretly rather have "the other guy" as your candidate (provided you could sufficiently corrupt him so that he also would send huge tax breaks and handouts to the ultra-rich, as Bush does). Please..... Bush won? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!
I don't see 3 mistakes he's made. Tactical military errors can't be considered mistakes. In terms of the tough choices he has made I can't find fault with him.
I know no such thing. Bush is an intelligent man who has a firm grasp of the issues and isn't going to back down to terrorists (including the French). If anyone comes across as idiotic, it is that liberal parrot of the left, John Kerry. The blatant lies he came up with last night were "laugh out loud" moments -- He is for tort reform! Tax cuts! Is Pro-Life! C'mon, even the libs were laughing at those ones. BLD
The other presidential candidates Following the Bush/Kerry presidential debate last night I watched an interview with four of the other presidential candidates on "Now with Bill Moyers." Even though I disagree with at least two of these four candidates I have to admit that they were well spoken and had detailed ideas. On another topic I have seen no discussion on illegal immigration; did I miss it or is it something both candidates have agreed not to discuss?
Three cheers for BUSH. I feel he led a strategic plan for continuing his direct support on the Global efforts of terrorism. This is his strength of distinction in this debate.
I believe that Bush performed rather well in last nights 2nd debate. The line " You can run, but you can't hide " is a true realism of what bush is seeking to identify with in Kerry's lack of FIRM commitment to what is now and has been a global war on terrorism. Wishy washiness of this in particular will be the defining seperation between the two candidates. Overall, I think both mean well. Just a real difference in opinion on other countries seeing that we follow thru on our actions. "We mean what we say and we do it".
Isn't it funny how those neocons who are so quick to proclaim Bush as "the winnah", only repeat one of the voluminous catch-phrases he lobbed out (instead of actually ANSWERING any questions), and not referencing anything more specific like an argument he supposedly won, or a fact mentioned? "You can run, but you can't hide..." ?! That's not an intelligent and cogent response to a policy issue, it's a one-liner, an irrelevant movie quote at best. Since Cheney was so "brilliant" as to reference factcheck.org (well, we all know he "meant" that, but gave the wrong site.), I'd recommend that those people who haven't gone their yet actually do so...Bush doesn't own a timber company...really?! Drug discount cards are working? Really? Do ANY of you know anyone who actually qualifies for them who would agree? As if that weren't enough, Kerry even called Bush out on several lies he made during the 2000 race at that very same place! *Those* were "laugh-out-loud" moments, indeed.
Oh, and according to the latest Gallup poll on the second debate, women now favor Kerry by a 9 point margin. So, I guess Bush really is "a uniter, not a divider..." among women.