Hi, can anyone recommend what they believe to be the best online teaching certificate programs? I am looking for something reputable that is focused on teaching online at the university level (specifically for graduate business courses, in case that helps). Thanks a lot.
I'm sorry that I'm not really answering your question (yet) but you don't really need a teaching certificate to teach at the university level, online or otherwise.
Hi Kizmet Thanks for your reply. Yes I’m aware that it is not a requirement. I am interested in learning the best practices and most effective ways of teaching online so that I can give my students the best experience possible.
OK then. How about this https://online-learning.harvard.edu/course/higher-education-teaching-certificate
Thanks for sharing this one. Looks interesting. Not specific to teaching online, although I did find this: https://extension.ucsd.edu/courses-and-programs/online-teaching-certificate