Bear's Guide, 14th Edition, Released Today

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Guest, Feb 2, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Ten Speed Press released the 14th Edition of Bears's Guide today.

    A copy has been ordered for my office, and can't wait to read it.

  2. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Thank you Russell. I guess that means the truck finally reached the warehouse . . . which means the next trucks should reach the main distributors (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Ingram, Baker & Taylor) in another few days. Why the trucks can't go directly from the printer to the distributors is a mystery I've never fathomed. Canada (printer) to Berkeley (Ten Speed) to Seattle (Amazon) just doesn't make a lot of sense. --John
  3. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    Clearly these same people work for the airlines where you can fly from Georgia to California by way of Minnesota. Or California to New York by way of Dallas.

    Tom Nixon
  4. rfrego

    rfrego New Member

    how much does the new edition cost?

  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

  6. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

  7. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Tom wrote, <<You can get it for about $24 from, though the discount might vanish when they start getting copies in their warehouse (e.g., when it doesn't constitute a preorder).>>

    That was my grandfather's line, when he had a pushcart on Delancey Street in New York, selling neckties for a dollar.

    Customer: But the cart down the block is selling them for fifty cents.

    Grandfather: So buy them there.

    Customer: I can't; they're sold out.

    Grandfather: If I didn't have any, I'd be selling them for fifty cents, too.

    And of course if you live in cerrtain ZIP codes or have a certain buying pattern with Amazon, your price (on books or neckties) may be higher or lower. Actually orders placed through Ten Speed are fulfilled by Amazon anyway, I've been told.

    John Bear
  8. Pete

    Pete New Member

    If you're in the Amazon associate program you could get it for $20.35 (15% off books, 5% off of DVDs, etc.). The catch is they don't cut you a check until the end of a quarter in which they owe you at least $25. It covers shipping costs if you order frequently.


  9. polarbear

    polarbear New Member

    Greetings from Hong Kong!

    I've got the 12th Ed. before, but 13rd was not availiable in Hong Kong... Now I ordered 14th Ed. from AMAZON, but it still told me the book is "not yet published"....



  10. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Ten Speed Press can be accessed at 1-800-841-BOOK. I called today to check on the status of my order, and it was shipped out on Feb. 2, should arrive today or tomorrow. So it has been published and is ready for distribution.
  11. polarbear

    polarbear New Member

    ThanQ Russell, is still telling me that the Guide has not been arrived. Finally, I cancelled the order and place another at Barners & Nobel, and it is now on the way.


  12. Jeffrey Levine

    Jeffrey Levine New Member

    I hope that Polar is wrong about availability---I just ordered the book from Amazon! I tried buying it at Borders earlier today but they did not have it in stock. I look forward to reading it.

  13. polarbear

    polarbear New Member

    Yes Jeff, has the guide now, but it's too late as I cancelled the order :p has shipped my order on Sat, let's see when will it arrive.


  14. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Apparently, Ten Speed Press is stuck on first speed, since I placed my order over a week ago, and I still haven't received it yet. If it doesn't come tomorrow (2/12), I'll start making phone calls.

  15. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I ordered a copy to be shipped via UPS, which arrived in three days. Ten Speed stated that regular shipping could take up to two weeks.

  16. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Gee, I appreciate all you people trying. Thank you. They had it this morning at Powell's in Portland (OR) where I'm visiting family, which means they might in on-line.

    Yes, of course authors are always checking, and occasionally turning copies so they are cover out, rather than spine out, but rarely exclaiming in a loud voice, "Oh, thank God they this book; it's the most important book I've ever read."

    John Bear
  17. Tom Head

    Tom Head New Member

    Just got the 14th edition in today, and it's an absolute delight -- I especially like all the new illustrations (where *do* you find these, John?).


  18. StevenKing

    StevenKing Active Member

    I received my copy of Bear's 14th today. Fabulous. Wonderful. Insightful.
    Steven King
  19. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    I have here in my hot little hands Bears' Guide to Earning Degrees by Distance Learning (14th ed.).

    This is really quite a bit better than the last edition, in my opinion. Even if you have the 13th, I'd recommend getting this one.
  20. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    I'm starting to think that Ten Speed sent my copy via a ten speed bike. If I had known it would take this long, I just would have waited until Amazon or B&N got it in stock.


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