Bachelor of general studies at $9000 | Southern Utah University

Discussion in 'Business and MBA degrees' started by TeacherBelgium, Sep 13, 2022.

  1. Alpine

    Alpine Active Member

    Is the International Baccalaureate (IB) the same as a U.S. bachelor's degree or the 3 year Bachelor's that you mention?
  2. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    No. It's basically a highly-developed, exceptional and rigorous secondary education experience. No degree.

    It's the same basic meaning as "Baccalauréat" in French:

    Google: "The French Baccalauréat is designed and issued by the French Ministry of National Education. In Grade 11 and 12, students sit for a series of extensive national exams, covering all areas of study, which make up the French Baccalauréat. Courses taken by students in Grade 11 and 12 are taught at a university level."

    The Baccalauréat seems quite like the German "Abitur" which is also an exceptionally good program.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022
  3. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    General Studies degrees aren't best for everyone, in every situation, but it depends. Is a BS in Project Management and PMP certification going to do more for one's career than a BA in General Studies and PMP certification? Is a major in pre-med going to improve a student's chances of getting into med school over a major in General Studies that includes all the prerequisite coursework for med school eligibility?

    I don't know the answer to those questions, but I do know that one option being categorically "better" than the other requires that both options be equally available to the student at the time, and that the student already knows beforehand what ultimate direction their career is going to take. That's not always the case.
    Rachel83az, Johann and Dustin like this.
  4. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Johann likes this! :)
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  5. Mac Juli

    Mac Juli Well-Known Member

    Confirmed for the first part. But the worth of a German Abitur has decreased in the last 30 years or so; and it's nothing exceptional any more (as it was at some time).
  6. cacoleman1983

    cacoleman1983 Well-Known Member

    After reviewing more info about this offer, this is not a 3 year degree per se. It can be done in 3 years but is still considered a 4 year degree. They are putting more emphasis on prior learning assessments and summer courses to earn your degree faster. You can complete the prior learning assessments through several options. However, the catch is you will pay more getting credit using that path than doing the $75 per credit hour option.
    Maniac Craniac and Dustin like this.
  7. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I guess I over-generalized a bit. I DO know for a fact, that at least one Abitur from around 23-24 years ago was absolutely stellar! Ausgezeichnet! :)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022
    Mac Juli likes this.
  8. Rachel83az

    Rachel83az Well-Known Member

    Unless you do CLEP exams for free using ModernStates. I haven't looked into which CLEPs might be accepted for this degree, though.
  9. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Guy walks into a country store, goes up to the clerk and asks, “Say, mister, do you have change for an $18 bill?” The clerk looks him over and says, “Sure, sonny. We can change an $18 bill. How do you want that, two nines or three sixes?”
  10. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I did a bachelor’s degree in business in 18 months. While working full-time in the military. And that was 40 years ago. :eek:

    You often see scholarship athletes who stay for their final year of sports eligibility by going to grad school, having graduated in 3 years. I don’t know the statistics, but it is a rather normal thing.
    Maniac Craniac likes this.
  11. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Unless you need a particular major for entering a career field, no one cares too much what you studied as an undergraduate.
    Maniac Craniac likes this.
  12. Courcelles

    Courcelles Active Member

    You can get an NCAA scholarship for five years — in which you can play four. A lot of those students may have redshirted and are “fifth year seniors” in athletic terms, though grad students in academic standing.
  13. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    Yes, and others (like Bernie Kosar) graduate in 3 and go pro early.

    The point is that graduating in 3 years for a 4-year bachelor's degree is not unusual.
  14. freeloader

    freeloader Member

    It’s pretty common for student athletes to basically go to school year round, which is why this happens. Outside of special provisions for Covid, a student athlete on an NCAA scholarship can only participate in team practices and use team facilities during the summer if they are enrolled in classes. The scholarship also, necessarily, only covers room and board if they are in class. Summer school, particularly for athletes at Div I schools and in the major sports like football and basketball, is essentially a requirement.

    To be a full time student for the summer, you likely need 12 hours. If you enroll early (during the summer before your freshman year, also common among high-level NCAA athletes) and take a standard load of 15 credits/semester, by the time you finish the junior year, you should be very close to graduating if not graduating. (12+30+12+30+12+30=126 credits)
  15. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    My wife got department chair approval to take 21 credit hours per semester during undergrad. She finished her degree in 3 years. She never took a summer course because she overloaded herself during the Fall and Spring. Her goal was to get through as quickly as possible and since her education was 100% covered by scholarships, she did it and was debt free. Still managed to swing a 3.3ish GPA for her career.
  16. TeacherBelgium

    TeacherBelgium Well-Known Member

    You have to watch out with the term baccalaureate. It can mean different things in different countries.
    In France for example they call their high school diploma "le bac".
    The higher education system there calls a bachelor : bac+3 , a master would be bac+5, a doctoral degree would be bac+8 .
    Some countries call their high school diplomas baccalaureate too.
    Alpine and Dustin like this.
  17. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    In addition to what was mentioned by Johann, for those who take the individual course certificates in IB and pass the exam, they get college credit. Individuals can get up to a year of college credit with the IB diploma. This is very similar to AP as they offer something similar, AP Capstone Diploma, AP International Diploma, or the certificate.
    Johann likes this.
  18. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Indeed. I was going to mention AP - but my post was getting longer --and longer. You said it well. :)

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