Avatars on DegreeInfo?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by djacks24, Sep 19, 2010.


Would you like to post an avatar with your user?

  1. Yes, I would like the ability to post an avatar

    15 vote(s)
  2. No, I like things the way they are

    10 vote(s)
  3. I really don't care either way

    13 vote(s)
  1. First avatars, then rock music and marijuana cigarettes. It is a slippery slope. ;)
  2. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    +1 That was great, made my day!
  3. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    No, I like things just the way they are. :D
  4. rickyjo

    rickyjo New Member

    I have a couple that I use, my primary one requires back story. I found him on google by searching for "angry computer guy". My other ones are a rage fist, the text "resist", and a sarcastic "trust the government" logo among others.

    Here's my facebook, I'll friend anybody from DI or IC
    Ricky Linder | Facebook
    It has my usual avatar up right now and you can see my old ones too :)

    How about you guys?
  5. rickyjo

    rickyjo New Member

    Dude! Rock music and weed are a great idea! I propose Pink Floyd, Brick in the Wall, very topic appropriate :p
    I also propose all users must be high when logging in. We should get a Breathalyzer that works for weed (if it doesn't exist we shall invent it!) and affix via USB to all user's computers.
  6. rickyjo

    rickyjo New Member

    ***Hopefully that doesn't come up in job interviews***

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