Association of Independent Christian Colleges and Seminaries

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Garp, Aug 3, 2022.

  1. mbwa shenzi

    mbwa shenzi Active Member

    CUFCE's list of affiliated institutions - - is like a walk down memory lane. It still includes Marcel Okechukwu Ezenwoyes Concepts College, later Concepts University. Many years ago, Concepts website ran into problems because too much of its content coincided with the content of the website of a legitimate UK university. Marcel Eze himself, on the other hand, ran into problems in Nigeria, where he was apprehended by the police for running illegal Concepts campuses across the country.

    And then there's West Coast University Panama too, of course, founded by Sarfraz Lloyd in Karachi, Pakistan, a competitor of Axact in the late 1990s. But Axact dislikes competition so West Coast University ended up in Panama, after a stopover in Australia
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2022
  2. mbwa shenzi

    mbwa shenzi Active Member

    Well, you don't mess with a graduate of Adam Smith University and West Coast University Panama. On top of that, he is also a Grand PhD, a degree you can only get at either the World Information Distributed University in Moscow or the International University of Fundamental Studies in St Petersburg. It's the WIDU/IUFS version of the Soviet/Russian doktor auk.
    tadj likes this.
  3. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Yeeeessss.....but how does he compare with Professor Doctor Chief Swift Eagle?
  4. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Well-Known Member

    I took a harder look at AICCS. It is owned by a single individual who evidently runs this operation out of his quaint suburban home at 4617 Briargate Dr, St Charles, MO (see the attached photo). The owner-operator of AICCS is Curt Scarborough, founder of Pillsbury-Scarborough Bible College and Seminary. Pillsbury is "accredited" by the notorious accreditation mill ACI. AICCS claims to "accredit" over seven-hundred schools, none of which are actually named by AICCS. Moreover, Scarborough claims to have earned an astonishing number of graduate degrees including DMin, DCEd, CPsyD, DAC, ThD, and PhD. However, precisely where he earned these degrees remains a mystery.

    Attached Files:

  5. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    He's better off, I think - because Prof. Dr. Chief Alexander Swift Eagle Justice has been deceased for a few years.
  6. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    What a great thread! I re-lived some great memories, thanks to mbwa shenzi. Not only that, but I got to help tear apart some "schools" that were actually a bit worse than any I attended! Thanks, everybody! :)
  7. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    Can't argue with success. Founded an ACI accredited school and then thought hold my beer I can run an accreditation agency.
    Michael Burgos and Johann like this.
  8. Michael Burgos

    Michael Burgos Well-Known Member

    The American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation (AAHEA; which apparently has some sort of connection to California University FCE) is quite interesting. AAHEA has claimed that it is "working closely with the CHEA" in order to become "a recognized accrediting organization" (see here). I contacted the CHEA and asked about AAHEA and here is what I was told: "It is not recognized by CHEA nor is it in the process of being recognized. We do not have anything to do with whomever they are." Right. AAHE and its owner (e.g., Stephen R. Barnhart) griped about "bloggers and other online commentators" who made "outrageous and irresponsible" comments about AAHEA. I suppose pointing out its lack of recognition, laughable website, and complete lack of credibility is outrageous nowadays.
    Johann likes this.
  9. mbwa shenzi

    mbwa shenzi Active Member

    And I took a harder look at Open Christian University. Basically, there's no difference between OCU and Ballsbridge: same people, including Dr Baby and the same accrediting agencies. OCU is accredited by the Board of Quality Standards, and Professor Idahosa is a member of the accreditation council of BQS. The list of members of the advisory council ( is quite interesting too:

    Mohamed G Kafafy (American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation; Global University of Science and Technology; West Coast University Panama, St Clements University; The University of America, etc)

    George Gonzalez (St Regis University; Charisma University; The University of America; Universidad Azteca; Universidad Central de Nicaragua)

    William Martin (Bircham International University)

    Plus quite a few others.

    Unsurprisingly, Open Christian University is also accredited by the American Association for Higher Education and Accreditation (AAHEA). There once was an organisation called AAHE, the American Association for Higher Education, which closed shop in 2006: not too long after AAHE had gone out of business, AAHEA appeared.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2022
    Michael Burgos and Johann like this.
  10. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    If I recall, the AAHEA had some sort of pedigree but isn't the same agency. It was sold or went defunct and the new group took it up and I think someone implied misled people about its nature and history. Another example of accreditation that defies normative understanding of the word. Do people delude themselves into thinking these things are accrediting agencies with gravitas because it makes their substandard or milled degree palatable? Ignorance or both? I get the substandard/mills. Hell would freeze over before they qualified for accreditation so they go this route to make it appear they have credibility and belong to these accrediting agencies. The agencies make money so win-win. How many are run by people with milled doctorates? Then all of these mills and substandard culleges (to borrow Walston's phrase) can make one another seem like real colleges and administration and alumni can call one another doctor and slap one another on the back. More like slapstick!
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2022
    Michael Burgos likes this.
  11. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Well, one might say that the agency is "legitimacy challenged". How's that?;)
  12. mbwa shenzi

    mbwa shenzi Active Member

    Originally, it was "Doc" Brady.

    Dr Barnhart runs/ran one of the two schools named The International University, Missouri - he is a also a Charisma University graduate. Dr Campbell, another AAHEA director, is a graduate of St Regis University
    Michael Burgos likes this.
  13. Garp

    Garp Well-Known Member

    I presume the "Libyan" diploma mill St. Regis?
  14. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Yes - I remember a 15-page or so thread on now-defunct DegreeDiscussion on the -- Phoenix (AAHEA) that arose from those ashes (AAHE).

    Too bad it can't be accessed any more. It was a good read -at least in parts.
  15. mbwa shenzi

    mbwa shenzi Active Member

    Yes, Spokane, Liberia.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2022
  16. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    When it comes to religious degrees, it is really up to ministry to accept or not the degree. Normally churches have a very hard time and specially now with shortages attracting people due to low salaries and difficult jobs. Most churches would be happy just with an online bible college diploma, work experience and a criminal record background. Degrees from Ballsbridge, Andersen, Azteca, or whatever shool are ok as long as the person has experience and has been doing it for long time.
    Many ministers do not even have a diploma and do fine. Unless you want to teach at the University or become a minister where a recognized degree is required, there is no point to keep bashing schools because this or that.
    Ministers have to deal with the illnesses, poverty issues, problems for very low wages. I think the prestige of the degree is not really relevant here but the attitude of the person.
  17. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2022
  18. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    mbwa shenzi and Garp like this.
  19. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Aug 5, 2022
  20. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Oops - sorry - that one was supposed to be plain text - no help with SEO. Sorry, I'm too late.

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