Any Online Masters with few essays & mostly tests

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Amatullah, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. Amatullah

    Amatullah New Member

    I am considering getting a Masters online for a few reasons

    However for personal issues/reasons, I would like to find out if there is any online university offering a Masters program with very few essays/research papers and the vast majority evaluation is done through tests/exams

    I prefer if the degree is broadly related to Education or Children but I'm open to other options as long as the evaluation format largely avoids a lot of written work (but I can't study science or computing as my undergrad would not meet their prerequisites)
  2. Koolcypher

    Koolcypher Member

    Especially one where you don't have to write those pesky periods at the end of each sentence. Periods. Who needs them? Or commas for that matter. :popworm:
  3. RFValve

    RFValve Well-Known Member

    Heriott Watts MBA is based on exams only but don't know if they have an education program that is similar to that.
  4. cookderosa

    cookderosa Resident Chef

    I'm incredibly cynical, so my assumption is that "personal reasons" is code for.....well, I'm not going to say. But, anyway, highly unlikely. Grad school is ALLLLLLL about writing.
  5. mcjon77

    mcjon77 Member

    For the most part, this is true. However, an exception would be highly technical degrees (think STEM fields). I am pretty sure that I could find a CS masters with virtually no essay writing. However, it is a moot point if you do not have the strong technical background to pass the classes in the first place.

    I cannot imagine any degree program in education or dealing with children, that does not require EXTENSIVE essay writing. In fact, you can pretty much forget any non-technical field, if no writing is your requirement.

    RFValve mentioned Heriot Watt's MBA program. While it is true that the program is completely exam based, several of the exams consist of long essays. I would assume that if you have a challenge writing essays over a period of weeks at home, doing the same in an auditorium, under a 3 hour time constraint will be far more difficult.

    Rather than trying to find a masters degree without essays, perhaps finding a program in a language that you are more comfortable in. If you are set on getting a masters from an english speaking program, you may want to get some tutoring to boost your writing skill.

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