Americus University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Mathias, Nov 20, 2001.

  1. Mathias

    Mathias member

    Need information about Americus University
  2. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    You mean beyond what's on their website? Unaccredited, claiming spurious accreditation. Makes false claims about accreditation like this:

    "There is no central control or authority and there are both good and bad accrediting agencies."

    I guess they never heard of CHEA or the USDOE. (Actually, they relegate the DOE's role in accreditation to being important only for schools wishing to participate in financial aid programs.)

    They go on to say:

    "Americus University has not applied for any accreditation that would be recognized by the US Department of Education. Nor would it qualify for such accreditation due to its non-traditional and non-resident international status."

    I guess the multitudes of nontraditional, nonresidential, and even foreign universities that are properly accredited don't count.

    Degrees at all levels in almost any area.

    From the FAQ:

    "1. How does the degree program actually work?
    The degree program has been specifically developed by Americus University to provide a legal way for people to gain their academic qualifications by using their previous experience and accomplishment. The minimum requirements needed to qualify for a degree are provided in the "degree requirements" section. Applicants who believe they qualify for a degree complete an online application for a free evaluation. Once their application is approved, an applicant can then decide to proceed by paying the appropriate fees. After the fees are paid, the diploma and documents are prepared. The whole process can be completed within 20 days for approved applicants."

    Sounds pretty efficient--nice that they eliminated all that academic red tape.

    The whole FAQ reads in mill-speak. However, this question-and-answer is the best, IMHO:

    "17. Can I get into trouble with this degree?
    Your degree is legal. How you choose to use it might not be. If you misrepresent how your degree was earned, it could land you in hot water. For this reason we tell people that they should always be truthful about how their degree was earned. Be proud that you were able to earn it by an independent evaluation process. You worked for this degree no less than someone who sat in a classroom. In many cases you degree represents years and years of work, knowledge, and accomplishment." LOL [​IMG]

    All degree requirements are met with life experience, measured only in years, not in what you might have done during those years. For example, a Ph.D. is issued for 6 years' life experience. What are we waiting for?

    From the testimonials:

    “I took my diploma and transcripts to work today and the boss was very impressed. He wants to move me into a management position. Getting this degree was the smartest thing I ever did.”
    - John S.

    Perhaps this person was being promoted to replace his boss, who is clearly too stupid to question this "instant" degree.

    This is a scam set up in the British Virgin Islands, out of reach of the FBI. A more sound reason for sending them thousands of dollars I cannot imagine.

    Why even ask about such an obvious scam? I'd really like to know why a person's first post (assuming he/she has not posted under other names previously) would be about an off-shore degree mill?

    Rich Douglas, wondering why it takes 20 days.
  3. Dan Snelson

    Dan Snelson New Member

    Originally posted by Rich Douglas:

    Maybe to make sure the check clears from British Virgin Islands. [​IMG]


    [email protected] New Member

    The Big 3 don't exist!

    "There are seven regional accrediting agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. [...] However, none of these accrediting agencies will accredit any school that provides degree programs based in substancial [sic] part on credit for prior experience."

    Well, I'll be! The Big 3 don't exist.
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    This is the reason the boss didn't question the degree--it wasn't an instant degree, it took 20 days to complete all course work. The boss, in all honesty, assumed that it was a legitimately earned degree. He had probably heard of Lawrie Miller's BA in 30 Days option and felt this 20 day degree to be some type of accelerated 30 day program. ;)

    [email protected] New Member

    Why would a provider of fake degrees provide genuine testimonials?

    No, no, no. You can do this with no money upfront:
    1) Fake some testimonials.
    2) Use the fake testimonials to generate some orders.
    3) Use the money from the orders to buy a printer, ink, parchment, etc.
    4) Print the diplomas.
  7. Mike Albrecht

    Mike Albrecht New Member

    Re: The Big 3 don't exist!

    It's now the big 3 +1 in the US (WGU)!

    And if you follow the BA in 4 Weeks, a fully accredited degree in "28" days.

    I guess legitamacy is not worth an extra week.
  8. Jeff Hampton

    Jeff Hampton New Member

    I like the online application

    I just applied for a B.S. in Nucular Safety. Here are some excerpts from the application:

    Work History - Please list your employment history, showing job title, description of duties and dates employed. You may paste a text only version of your resume, C.V. or separate papers if desired.

    I have worked 5 years as securety guard at a large nucular energey factory hear in town. I have put on the special nucular suit before and I know how to do it. I have obscerved the nucular safety enginiers and mostly all they do is punch buttons and I know I can do that.

    Before that I was in the Marines and before taht I worked at the Git and Split mostly frying stuff for the lunch counter and cleaning up the mess that all of them slobs left like they was too good to pick up their own trash or somethin.

    Life Experiences - List if any: military experience, correspondence courses, on the job training, seminars, workshops, life learning, etc.

    I was in the US Marine Core for 12 1/2 days. I was going to be a sniper or maybe a pilot but it didn't work out.

    When I got back from Paris Iland a couple of months later the I took a security guard training class at teh comunity learning center cause they needed sec. guards at the nucular factory and two full weeks of on the job training while on my job as securety guard at then nucular factroy during the time of my training and after the time that I took the class at the community learning center on how to be a security guard. a good security guard.

    I have a lot of life learning and like my daddy used to say I am a gradute of the school Of hard Knocks. Also,my brother took some classes at the college about government and dancing and stuff an people say we are nearly identical twins exsept hes 4 years older and has a differnt daddy. But he told me all about his classes and I helped with his homework except for the dancin cause I wasnt gonna dance with my own brother so that outta count for somethin.

    Special requests: If you are applying for a combination degree, please list the second degree, major and graduation date here. You may use this space to note anything you believe needs an explanation. Also, use this space if you have a request of any kind.

    I need at least 3 points on my grade avarage to get a job as a nucular saftey guy.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: The Big 3 don't exist!

    Very good, Mike. This brought a smile. ;)
  10. plumbdog10

    plumbdog10 New Member

    Rich Douglas:"Why even ask about such an obvious scam."

    Hey Rich, back-off on the guy. He came here looking for information. Not everyone in the world is obsessed with distance learning, like some of the members of this forum.

    Some people are new to higher education. They don't understand what is involved in earning a college degree. We can help to educate them, or we can run them off, so the long time members can continue their petty arguments.

    [email protected] New Member

    Plumbdog10: It's partly my fault for reviving this thread; but it would also help if you checked the dates on messages. You're responding to something that Rich posted in Nov. 2001.
  12. Rich Douglas

    Rich Douglas Well-Known Member

    I guess asking you to read the date of the post would be petty as well.

    This forum has a long history--due primarily to its open nature--of people "asking" about degree mills just to get the mill discussed. "No publicity is bad publicity." It is reasonable to question why someone would ask about the legitimacy of such an obvious fraud.

    Also, it is good netiquette for "newbies" to do some reading and checking before posting questions. Often, their questions can be answered this way. And a little bit of research might just turn up a few more, relevant, questions.

    I would also ask you to "back off."
  13. plumbdog10

    plumbdog10 New Member

    I don't give a rat's ass when it was posted, I still think Rich was wrong. That is, unless the original post was placed for the purposes of advertising, at which point I think it would be best to ignore it.

    In any event, I'll take Rich's advice and back-off.:)
  14. roysavia

    roysavia New Member

    Americus University? These guys will take your pants in the blink of an eye. Don't bother!
    Check out the top 100 schools listed on if you want an accredited DL program.:D

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