adjunct teaching assistant

Discussion in 'Online & DL Teaching' started by AdamJLaw, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. AV8R

    AV8R Active Member

    Is Ashford the only school that has these teaching assistant positions?
  2. AdamJLaw

    AdamJLaw New Member

    I've worked for Ashford for over two years and love it. The hiring process can take a while because they are understaffed, but it is worth the wait. I've worked on class after another for over two years without a problem. I love it there.
  3. AdamJLaw

    AdamJLaw New Member

    The pay varies depending on the course. I typically get $1000 a month. You are not allowed to grade for more than one course at a time. Because of that you have courses overlap as some courses don't have grading until the end of the second week.
  4. Klgm326

    Klgm326 New Member

    Working as TA at Ashford

    I began the application process in February of 2012 and finally began working in late August. I am now TAing for my second course and I have no complaints. The pay (in my estimation) is good -- $1000 for a 5-week course. You grade 4 writing assignments (1 per weeks 2 - 5). Everyone is very professional and helpful. You do work with an instructor -- some are more "hands-on" than others. You are more or less "independent" of the instructor -- he/she has his/her responsibilities and you have yours. You have a Writing Instructional Specialist who supervises your work and answers your questions. It's a great part-time position. So far, I have worked two classes in a row. I'm hoping for it to continue this way. I feel fortunate to have found them.
    Best of luck!

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