Accredited Masters degree in "The Beatles, Popular Music, and Society."

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by laferney, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. At first glance I was inclined to think "what use would that be?" but after looking at what can be included in the course, I would say that it could provide very good training for an historian.
  2. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    There are actually some mediaeval chroniclers that represent Robin Hood as an historical personage. For modern treatments, see J. C. Holt, Robin Hood and Maurice Keen, Outlaws of Mediaeval Legend. That's what I meant above, when I posted, "But Robin Hood is real. I know he is." I've toyed with the idea of doing the PhD in Humanities & Culture at the Union Institute & University and doing my dissertation on Robin Hood in the mediaeval chronicles.

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