"In case this isn’t clear, paper mills are now using Turnitin/WriteCheck to certify to their customers that the essays they’ve purchased from the paper mill will successfully pass the Turnitin/WriteCheck report at their institution." http://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/just-visiting/final-nail-coffin-turnitin?utm_content=bufferc28ea&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=IHEbuffer&fbclid=IwAR3WeTb9qF2EuYkaZuA0JjQS0GoNceyAkMzeHaK3dGh3ZhOq-xwx2nAmjpM https://www.researchresearch.com/news/article/?articleId=1383297
No mention of revenue generation, but this must be a bigger revenue generator that the traditional service.
TurnItIn is really more of a nuisance than a help at the graduate level. The fool program flags citations and quotes which are often a substantial part of a paper.. In questionnable case, Google is often better at finding cheats.
I complained about turnitin in another post. It flagged work from other people that I have never encountered. Also, it’s makes money on the back of other students. Programs like turnitin, should be developed by educational institutions working together, and not profit making enterprises. This is an additional cost to student for their own work.