5 Universities

Discussion in 'Military-related education topics' started by Kizmet, Mar 10, 2020.

  1. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator


    GTFLETCH Member

    So the question would be does Trident at AIU fall under this? I say yes it does!

    The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), acting within its required approval authority under the law limiting certain advertising, sales, and enrollment practices, notified the University of Phoenix, Career Education Corporation (Colorado Technical University, American InterContinental University), Bellevue University and Temple University, March 9, of the agency’s intent to disapprove the enrollment of new GI Bill students at these institutions.


    GTFLETCH Member

  4. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I would appreciate it if you did not post the same article in multiple forums.
    SteveFoerster likes this.

    GTFLETCH Member

    Student Veterans of America encouraging military studedents to transfer from 5 banned universities:

    You may transfer to another school. Please consider that, depending on many factors, your earned credits may not transfer to another school. This may extend your time to graduate and increase your likelihood of exhausting your benefits prior to graduation. If you would like more information, please refer to your current institution’s transfer of credit policy and accreditation type as well as your desired new school’s transfer of credit policy. We have partnered with other VSOs to provide an aggregated list of schools that we are working with to help potential student transfers. You should have also received an email notice from VA regarding your options moving forward. You can also call VA’s Education Call Center at 888-442-4551 between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. ET, MondayFriday to speak with a VA representative.

  6. NorCal

    NorCal Active Member

    Alot of schools take advantage, glad to see they're cracking down.

    GTFLETCH Member

    In a joint letter, 32 military & veteran service organizations applaud Secretary Wilkie
    & the Department of Veterans Affairs for protecting GI BILL beneficiaries and taxpayers from schools misleading students; recommends enforcement guidance. #VetsEdSuccess

    April 9, 2020

    The Honorable Robert Wilkie
    U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
    810 Vermont Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20420

    Dear Secretary Wilkie:

    Thank you for enforcing 38 U.S.C. § 3696, which is critical in stopping harm to veterans and military-connected students, protecting the GI Bill from fraud, and sending a deterrent message to other potential violators of federal law. As you know, the harm to our nation’s veterans and military-connected students is compounded by harm to taxpayers, in light of the VA Inspector General’s finding that VA could waste $2.3 billion over five years in improper GI Bill payments to ineligible colleges, especially those that should not be approved for GI Bill under § 3696.

    As you decide whether one or more of the schools in violation of § 3696 have demonstrated sufficient “corrective action” to restore GI Bill eligibility, we respectfully recommend the following for your consideration:

    • Has there been sufficient deterrence for future fraud against students and the GI Bill? Fraud against veterans must be met with a repercussion strong enough to send a deterrent message to these and other schools. It should be commensurate with the breadth and depth of the harm caused, measured, for example, by the number of students enrolled during that period of time, the dollar value of tuition paid during the time of the deceptive practices, or the severity of penalties imposed by law enforcement.

    • Does the school have a history of deceptive recruiting? Some of the schools at issue have faced repeated punitive action by government for defrauding students. If prior government lawsuits and fines were not sufficient to deter repeat offenses, then any “corrective action” they claim now provides little assurance. 38 USC § 3696 provides a clear ban on such schools’ re-entry into GI Bill eligibility.

    • Can the school verify its recruiting? VA and the State Approving Agencies cannot be expected to bear the burden of verifying the school’s future recruiting. Schools should pay for a well-respected, independent auditor to verify the schools’ recruiting and advertising practices for some years going forward, as law enforcement and the Education Department often require. However, any school that has repeatedly verified its recruiting is clean but, at the same time, has been found in violation of federal and state consumer protection laws, cannot be trusted.

    • Has the school removed the offending executives? Schools should repudiate the deceptive practices by requiring the executives who ran or approved the deceptive practices to leave the companies, as law enforcement often requires and as Temple University already did. This sends a message to all employees that deceptions will not be tolerated and will help prevent a repeat offense.

    • Has the school removed the pressure on recruiters? College recruiters deceive students because they are under boiler-room pressure to enroll new students. Schools should remove recruiters’ enrollment quotas and incentives and voluntarily close the 90/10 loophole (as DeVry did in 2016 following its settlement with the Federal Trade Commission for deceptive advertising). The 90/10 loophole incentivizes proprietary colleges to see service members as nothing more than dollar signs in uniform, and to use aggressive marketing to draw them in.

    • Risk-based SAA review. We recommend that, in addition to any corrective action, each school undergo a careful risk-based review by the relevant State Approving Agencies to ensure these schools are truly worthy of serving VA students. Does the school offer a quality education? Are students graduating and obtaining good jobs? Are the faculty qualified? Is the school engaging in price-gouging in billing VA for tuition that is more than twice what the school spends educating the veteran? The review should also explore any GI Bill student complaints against the school.
    We as a community stand ready and willing to support your leadership and to ensure military-connected students are supported during this time and in the future.


    32 military & veteran service organizations

    Last edited: May 8, 2020

    GTFLETCH Member

    IMHO: It is refreshing to see less bloodlust over for-profits and more genuine protection from ALL schools’ deceptive practices against veterans. However, by definition, “a proprietary college or university” is one which operates as a private, profit-seeking business, for anyone interested.

    GTFLETCH Member


    GTFLETCH Member

    VA backs down from plan to suspend University of Phoenix and other colleges from accessing GI Bill benefits

    The Department of Veterans Affairs on Thursday retreated from plans to bar five schools, including for-profit behemoth the University of Phoenix, from enrolling new students using GI Bill benefits, delivering a blow to veterans groups that wanted the agency to crack down on deceptive recruiting and advertising practices


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