Need some encouragement (or a slap upside the head)

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by IslandJ, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. IslandJ

    IslandJ New Member

    Hi everyone:

    As you might remember, I am doing my online MPA at the University of Colorado-Denver.

    To be blatant, I am looking for sympathy from all of you who understand what work and online studies can be like but a good yelling-at might work too.

    I am taking 2 classes this semester: public finance and statistics. What a mistake! I am not a "math person" to start off with and both of these classes cover A LOT of material. All I do is work and study! I even took a couple of days off work last week so I could catch up and I have already fallen behind again. I have 3 papers and 2 exams still due by the end of the semester, which is less than 4 weeks away. I am freaking out and I feel like my brain is FULL! Obviously I need to get through it but right now I feel like just geting it over with rather than trying to get a good grade (and I am usually a good student).

    Ok let the shoulder-patting or head-smacking begin! Thank you in advance!!


    PS: next semester will be a one-class only deal, I already know that much!
  2. okydd

    okydd New Member

    Use the balance of your vacation days. Ask for advance on next year vacation, then work over the xmas holidays to make up the advances. Do yours assignments from a public library. On your working vacation at the public library, start at 8.30am to closing. Going forward sign up for one course. I was in your position a few times.
  3. Maniac Craniac

    Maniac Craniac Moderator Staff Member

    :slap: :buttkick:
  4. Randell1234

    Randell1234 Moderator

    First off, I am feeling your pain and going through the same thing. Like the Nike slogan - Just Do It! Pick 60-90 minutes a day and commit to doing nothing but school work. Just work through it and learn a lesson!
  5. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Can request a time extension for one of the courses?
  6. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    Yes, statistics was not the best class to take in conjunction with another difficult class. Knowing my poor math skills, I have learned to take nothing but stats when it is required and even then I have to struggle through it. The above advice is probably best; tough it out somehow and learn from your mistake. We all feel your pain!
  7. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    My poor baby! :raincloud:

    Now get back to work! :drillsergeant:
  8. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    Lol !! :kabong:
  9. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    So, you're taking Finance and Statistics at the same time? You sound like a glutton for punishment. :banana::banana::banana::banana:
  10. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    I cringe at Statistics all by itself.:dunce:
  11. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Yes, yes indeed.
  12. Lindagerr

    Lindagerr New Member

    I am doing statistics on ALEKS and am stalled at 68%. I feel your pain. Now get off your butt and get it done. It isn't going to do itself and if you don't finish it now you will just have to take it over. (my icons do not seem to work)

    As suggested above take more vacation, desert the family for the weekend, whatever it takes just get it done you can put up with anything for 4 more weeks then take one course and get your life back on track.
  13. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    I hear and have sympathy! I hate read again HATE MATH and I am considering taking a basic statistics class next term (my last).

    But I totally feel you right now because I am taking 2 classes (both 8 weeks long) and they are killing me! in 2 weeks I have a rough draft due in my capstone course that is 15 pages and that same week i have a rough draft due in a psych course that is 10 pages long . Before the end of this term (4 weeks left) I have another 3 papers to write for my capstone (on top the of the 15 pager) and 3 2 page papers to write for my psych course. Oh and did I mention that I am also taking 2 courses at clovis :) So yeah I feel ya big time!

    But I can see the finish line because I have one 8 week term left!
  14. bweston

    bweston New Member

    I am doing Financial Accounting with a Management course and the accounting in and of itself is enough to deal with, so I cant imagine!
  15. IslandJ

    IslandJ New Member

    Thanks everyone! It really helps mentally to know that there are people in the same boat or who have been through this. I really don't know what I was thinking when I signed up for both of these really heavy classes in one semester :banghead: For some reason, I thought there would be overlap between the two that would save on the amount of work (yeah right). The worst part is that I actually find stats to be really interesting and relevant but it takes me A LOT of work to be able to understand the material and have that ah-ha, that's neat moment.

    Anyhoo, now I just have to get through it so here is my plan of action. I have just finished the second paper that is due tomorrow except I still have to proof read both of them. (Taking a little break now!) Monday is a day off from work, yippeee and I am getting another half day sometime next week. So I will use those days to catch up on my readings and understanding the material (not understanding, especially all the stuff I didn't have time to read properly, is my biggest worry along with the sheer volume of work). By the end of next weekend I should be mostly caught up (fingers crossed). I can work on my other paper during Thanksgiving break. Then tackle 2 exams. Then collapse in time for xmas break!

    Eilla05: Hang on in there! You are nearly done! I am so jealous, as I am only (already?) half way and afraid of burning out...

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