Help on defining a Diploma or Degree Mill?

Discussion in 'Accreditation Discussions (RA, DETC, state approva' started by back2cali, Dec 8, 2005.

  1. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    Wat is a degree or diploma mill?

    The author is Steve Levicoff, Ph.D
    the author of
    "Name It and Frame It? New Opportunities in Adult Education
    and How to Avoid Being Ripped Off by 'Christian' Degree

    Wile this article is maybe decade old and some things changed such as names of CORPA - CHEA I still found Steves input very valuble today.

    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2005
  2. miguelstefan

    miguelstefan New Member

    Quinn, I would not want to play poker against you. You probably clean everyone up in my poker game within 10 minutes.:D
  3. Lerner

    Lerner Well-Known Member

    In real life its not always like in a cards game.

    And the guy in silvered glasses, sleeves all the way up to the hands, hat on, with your collar rolled up, with a king showing, and four cards close to his chest may turn out to be a better friend to you than the one that you unsuspecting.

    Just like undercover policeman, you may think he is an innocent standby or gangster or a cleaning person.

    Every situation has more than one meaning and at times appearance can be deceptive.

    I know there is a consequence and price to pay for protecting my privacy and I'm dealing with it willingly.

  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    It's not your personal privacy that I'm talking about, Learner. Anyone who's been around these boards a few years knows that I'm pretty fierce in my defense of people's private lives not being messed with.

    Yes, every situation has more than one meaning.

    And the analogy/metaphor I used has two possible meanings:

    If you've ever played poker, you know that if the Queen of Hearts is showing in the other person's hand, and the King of Hearts is showing in yours -- you can't call a Royal Flush -- at least not a natural -- if you're playing with only one deck -- and be taken at face value. To call a natural Royal Flush -- you'd need the other player's queen.

    So -- assuming a fair game is being played (which we will) -- it would all depend on the variation. If you're playing with wildcards, you could call a wild RF and still be within the rules. But in any case -- the dealer would still have to see those other four cards, unless the dealer has been handing them from the bottom and knows your hand. So you have to showem or fold.

    And it would seem that nobody here knows the variation being worked or the hand you're holding but you, Learner. That's what I was trying to convey. I apologize if the poker metaphor was a bit opaque.

    Just saying something like "Just read my posts and one day you will come to trust that I am in this all for the right reasons" is pressing the matter if that's what you've got to counteract the prevailing wind that you're not being straight up with people. You can't really expect people to read all your posts and come to trust you over time, especially if you start telling a minister that he's not living up to your expectations of a minister. Jimmy Clifton is about as open as they get. We know his hand. We know what he represents. Why? Because he comes across that way -- naturally and without any wildcards.

    And believe me when I say I'm not singling you out. I had to follow my own advice, or I wouldn't be giving it to you. Sometimes when people are singled out repeatedly on the same count -- it's not about the crowd's perception -- but about how the person being singled out has come across. Not always -- but sometimes -- and that can't always just be discounted. I for one believe everything you've said to date is sincere from your perspective. But freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from social responsibility when speaking. Jimmy isn't just a minister. He's a person. The same way you're also a person.

    Now I'll shut up about it. No more Sunday Sermons from me to you.
  5. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    What the good Uncle said.
  6. salami89

    salami89 New Member

    To the writer of this thread don't despair if you had enrolled with a non accredited uni and found out later what you had done. I for instance enrolled with an Australian recognised uni and was treated no better. The main thing is that life is about learning from ones mistakes and maybe it may set you off on a different, more rewarding path.
  7. quack123

    quack123 New Member

    The equine studies program is a "healthy" program, requiring alot of studying, test taking and sending video of the student handling horses. It requires much of the same work as other schools that offer similar studies. Breyer does not teach the class, it is taught through Success Is Easy, and Breyer is the entity that they are affiliated with for the Bachelor degree. I have no problems with what I have learned about the actual Equine Studies Program. It is solid and well rounded. I do, however have a problem with forking out $350.00 per course plus books if I am going to do all that work, increase my knowledge, and then have a degree that is considered to be from a "degree mill". Again, I am confident in the program, but now I am concerned about the degree.


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