Well, I am DEd...

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by KKA, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. KKA

    KKA Member

    Hi there,

    Well, now it is officially "official"! As of the weekend, (Saturday April 16), I am a true graduate. Saturday was the graduation ceremony in Port Elizabeth. I would have wanted to be there--to be in SA and check things out but I couldn't manage it.

    Anyway, somehow the whole thing is somewhat anti-climactic in someway. Did any doctoral students feel the same way at the end?

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Again...congratulations on your achievment Dr. Kenneth!

    As to your second question.........yes. I knew about the whole depression/anti climactic thing and still expereinced the anti climactic feeling. You work on something full time for around three years put all the energy into the dissertation and have lived and breathed....dreamt...earning your doctorate. Finally you get it and it is rather....well......anti climactic. I found others reacting more excitedly to it that I did. Interesting feeling but you are not alone.

  3. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Kenneth.....I'm not sure how I missed the original post, but congratulations!!!
  4. KKA

    KKA Member


    Bruce, thank you, for your words.

    North, I find it very strange having more "time" on my hands, and feeling guilty I am not doing something "academic" with it.

    You are right, it has been an all consuming project that now is over and there is no replacement work. I am seriously considering doing another degree.

    May be I am a school junkee.

  5. Monkey

    Monkey New Member

    Congrulation !! Finally, your dream is realised.

    May I know how could you go through all formaility...as it is always said "communication is the main problem with Distance learning institute in South Africa !!"

    Thanks !
  6. KKA

    KKA Member

    Good Question

    Hi Monkey,

    You pose a very good question!

    The simple answer is, you need to have a promoter (advisor) who believes in what you are doing and will be your advocate and agent on the ground to resolve any bureaucratic problems--at least to represent your interest.

    So, in short, get yourself a good promoter. I did. She was (is) wonderful.

    The key to success, I think, is being intellectually compatible.


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