Threat of the week from exploded time-bomb holder Rose Donatelli Venneri

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Chip, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    well, it seems that our friend Rose is still threatening away.

    Over the past 3 days, I've received 1 or 2 emails each day saying some variant of "Why haven't you responded to tell me where to have my attorney contact you."

    Here's the most recent example:


    No response yet??? Can I assume that the "many accredited" attornies, you have on your side are all vying for the opportunity to take this case??

    It is amaxing to me that you were so opinionated in making a case against me..but when taken to seem to have backed down?? What is your problem??

    If you believe what you say you believe..why do you not want to address it in court??

    I am really interested to know why you are not responding??

    My preference is simply to make her (or her nonexistent attorney) do her own homework... so I've chosen to simply ignore her. If she wants to further threaten us, she can either pay her attorney or a PI to find out where to serve us (Not super easy, but not that hard either.) Or she could certainly have her attorney send said threat via email. But of course, she doesn't want to do that.

    My guess is that it will be *more* frustrating to her to simply continue to ignore her. It may end up being an interesting experiment to see how long she'll continue to send messages pleading with me to give her instructions on how to sue us.

    The other thing I find mildly amusing is that she's continuing to pester me while not offering up any response to my request that she describe exactly what it is that we're doing that is actionable.

    I must say that characters like Ruth do provide a certain amount of entertainment and amusement for DegreeInfo members.
  2. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    And perhaps a little glimpse into a psyche that would have either prompted or permitted her to do what she did in the first place.
  3. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Oh, this is getting good.

    Judging from the numerous typos and misspellings in the e-mail, I would advise Ms. Denneri to consider laying-off the adult beverages before she composes these lame threats.

    Chip....without doing her homework for her, just invite her to sue the site and be done with it. You know she's not going to take any action, so call her bluff.
  4. BillDayson

    BillDayson New Member

    I don't know, Chip. This whole thing smells a little rank.

    My suspicion is that the perp e-mailing you isn't Ms. Venneri at all. I'd guess that it's just the AED nut, trying to jerk you around.
  5. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    Bill has a good point. Forging email is too easy. It can be very difficult trying to determine who you're actually dealing with.
  6. The CAT

    The CAT New Member

    UPDATE: I just wanted to let everyone know that as of today, August 27th 2004. I, The CAT am granting Ms. Rose Donatelli Venneri an honory BS from Psychotic State, Congrats!!!!

    In order to complete this honorary BS, you must send me 5 proof of purchase seals from Campbell's Chunky Style soup (any type) to complete this degree process and graduate. Drop me a line if your interested in this rewarding degree which I offer to you for such a minimal cost!!!! Impress your friends!!! Show your diploma in pride!!!! I also offer a Master's program on how to sell Bridges if your interested................
  7. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Bill Dayson:
    My suspicion is that the perp e-mailing you isn't Ms. Venneri at all. I'd guess that it's just the AED nut, trying to jerk

    I would guess not. I started receiving faxes from her a month ago (because I was the one who first posted reference to that newspaper article), with a valid fax number for my replies, in which I explained to her that I had nothing to do with the operation of DegreeInfo . . . which then propelled her over here.
  8. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Of course, if she's now unemployed then she may really have nothing better to do.
  9. Chip

    Chip Administrator

    I don't think so. The IP address from which the mail originates resolves to a cable ISP in Ontario, in the same city where the newspaper article said that our friend Rose lives.

    I just think, as Jack said, she has no life.
  10. NMTTD

    NMTTD Active Member

    LMAO omg this is the best stuff EVER. So glad it was suggested by Chip to do a search for it. LOL If only fun stuff like this would happen NOW. Then I wouldnt have to pull up old threads to read all the good stuff. :D

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