Either way, it was painful! :emoji_weary:
No always. My comprehensive exam for my MS in operations research only covered four of the core courses. My comprehensive exam for my MS in...
There is a comprehensive exam. I'm not sure which courses it covers, but I expect it will cover the six core courses.
I completed an information systems (IS) specialty. My second masters degree is in IS, so I transferred 18 credits into the program for an IS...
PhD4Oldman beat me to the response. What he said. ;)
I am going strong with the UC PhD IT program. I am working on my dissertation proposal now and will start writing my literature review once my...
Makes sense. Two master degrees are enough of an educational accomplishment. An IT trending area I find interesting is data science. Plenty of...
TEKMAN, at some point you just need to find a program and stick with it. Like you, I have been a long-time member of this site and, if you listen...
So far my experience with UC had been pretty good. I did a MS from DSU in information systems and the course rigor at UC is on par. I am about to...
Thanks Steve and Bruce! The admissions process was the most involved of all the doctoral programs I have been in in the past. The last step was...
As of today, I have been accepted into the PhD in leadership program at the University of the Cumberlands!! Like many people here, I have been in...
What about a degree in public policy or public administration? I'm just trying to come up with ideas to expand your search.
It just happened to me again. If this post is successful, then it will be a miracle. :)
This had been happening to me over the past few days as well. I could log in but was only able to access a guest account. Things seem to be...
Good for you. No school is perfect. You will find good and bad aspects of every program. I have been a doctoral student at NCU and there are...
Separate names with a comma.