An apprenticeship degree is obviously the same thing as a degree apprenticeship (that's the British-English term), or as a German "Dualer...
Right, the domain .edu was implemented in 1985 as a generic top-level domain. At that time, the domain could have become a global TLD, like .com...
First of all, I don't think these exams are also offered in English. I'm pretty sure there is only a Korean version. This probably means that you...
Of course it is. That doesn't mean that Germany isn't in trouble - it is - but it is still a long way from becoming a developing country. If you...
According to your profile, you are from Germany, right? And according to your signature, you have a master's degree in computer science, but it...
It is a a degree without state recognition in France, just like every French DBA. The "Agence française pour la promotion de l’enseignement...
Technically that's true, and the punishment is a fine or up to one year in jail. (By the way, there was a time when it was a fine and up to five...
OK, so I was wrong. I probably should have checked if there were any more recent developments on this. It seems "Open and Distance Learning (ODL)...
Sorry housecat, but it seems Indian online education is no longer an option:...
I also had to look it up. If I hear T14 I always think of this one:
Here are a few weird examples from Germany: DIPLOMA University of Applied Sciences CODE University of Applied Sciences Constructor University...
Yes, it has to be AACSB. This rule has been around since the early 90s. Personally, I am of the opinion that it urgently needs to be changed, but...
An MBA from FH Burgenland is a "Lehrgang zur Weiterbildung". Calling such a degree “kind of propio” is simply not correct. (But there are a few...
I understand why you think that, but I have to tell you that you're wrong. Anabin does not really care about CIP codes. H+/- has different...
Erntedankfest was on Sunday, Today is "Tag der Deutschen Einheit" or "Day of German Unity". On this day in 1990, East Germany desolved itself, and...
Separate names with a comma.