Last Activity:
Jul 1, 2024
May 1, 2001
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CLSeibel was last seen:
Jul 1, 2024
    1. tbilly09
      I am new to postings on degreeinfo, but have followed most if not all your posts and degree completion. I plan on applying to Pretoria for a PhD in Theology, but have these questions and tap into your wide experience:
      - Is it possible to do a research paper from the USA, on a theological matter as it relates to an XX African country?
      - Would it be necessary to visit the African nation, since I will not necessarily conduct surveys? (although, I may use future evangelism trip to garner some information).
      - What methodology would be appropriate in this instance?

      You may post it so other can benefit or add their input.

      Many thanks for your insight.
    2. ProfD

      Do what I did. Get a good idea on what you want to research, then sell it to members of the appropriate department/faculty. Once I had two potential projects I wrote to each professor in the department, asking if anyone wanted to supervise me. Once a prof was interested, then I requested a residence waiver.

      If you want/need more info, ask.
    3. Hadashi no Gen
      Hadashi no Gen
      Hi CLSeibel,

      I am just writing to inquire about your experience at Pretoria. I have emailed Pretoria once regarding Doctoral studies, but the program staff directed me to UNISA since "Pretoria is not a distance learning university". However, I know of people on this board who live in the US are in Pretoria Doctoral programs. Do you have any advice or suggestions as to how I might be able to move into DL at Pretoria, without becoming a thorn in their side?

      Write back when you can.

      All the best,

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  • About

    Congregational Leadership and Contextual Education


    My Current Pursuit: I've been accepted into the Doctor of Clinical Pastoral Counseling (DCPC) degree at Washington University of Virginia, and will be commencing studies in August 2024.

    PhD in Practical Theology, University of Pretoria (2009)

    MA in Counseling, Central Baptist Theological Seminary (2023)
    MTh in Applied Theology, University of Wales (Spurgeon's College, London) (2003)
    BS in Religion, Liberty University (1997)