Last Activity:
Oct 25, 2024
May 1, 2001
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CLSeibel was last seen:
Oct 25, 2024
    1. tbilly09
      I am new to postings on degreeinfo, but have followed most if not all your posts and degree completion. I plan on applying to Pretoria for a PhD in Theology, but have these questions and tap into your wide experience:
      - Is it possible to do a research paper from the USA, on a theological matter as it relates to an XX African country?
      - Would it be necessary to visit the African nation, since I will not necessarily conduct surveys? (although, I may use future evangelism trip to garner some information).
      - What methodology would be appropriate in this instance?

      You may post it so other can benefit or add their input.

      Many thanks for your insight.
    2. ProfD

      Do what I did. Get a good idea on what you want to research, then sell it to members of the appropriate department/faculty. Once I had two potential projects I wrote to each professor in the department, asking if anyone wanted to supervise me. Once a prof was interested, then I requested a residence waiver.

      If you want/need more info, ask.
    3. Hadashi no Gen
      Hadashi no Gen
      Hi CLSeibel,

      I am just writing to inquire about your experience at Pretoria. I have emailed Pretoria once regarding Doctoral studies, but the program staff directed me to UNISA since "Pretoria is not a distance learning university". However, I know of people on this board who live in the US are in Pretoria Doctoral programs. Do you have any advice or suggestions as to how I might be able to move into DL at Pretoria, without becoming a thorn in their side?

      Write back when you can.

      All the best,

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  • About

    Congregational Leadership and Contextual Education


    -Doctor of Clinical Pastoral Counseling (DCPC) student, Washington University of Virginia (2024-)
    -MA in Counseling, Central Baptist Theological Seminary (2023)
    -PhD in Practical Theology, University of Pretoria (2009)
    -MTh in Applied Theology, University of Wales (Spurgeon's College, London) (2003)
    -BS in Religion, Liberty University (1997)