
Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by eilla05, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    I honestly just can't understand the no tattoo rule at work...maybe if they are of something that could be considered offensive I guess I can understand but other wise seems silly to me.

    Appointment is at 8pm tomorrow! Can't wait go and get it will post a picture once I get it done!
  2. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Take some Tylenol, Advil, etc. before you go. Have fun.
  3. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    Since I am too lazy to take the time to host the pictures and put them on here if you want to see my new tattoo you can go here:

    Becoming a Counselor: My tattoo
  4. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Very nice!

    Was it painful?
  5. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    It wasn't without pain but I wouldn't really call it painful. I didn't even feel him do the word "love" at all and only parts of the heart hurt. It was for sure nothing I couldn't handle and was the perfect tat to get for my first :) Simple and didn't take but about 25minutes to do.
  6. Bruce

    Bruce Moderator

    Mine took longer because of all the color, and it hurt at first, then just went numb and I really didn't feel it after awhile.
  7. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    That's cool. I like that you made it personal. My wife is going in for a butterfly on her foot, and I am going in for some more Asian work. I am thinking something like this:

    japanese tiger tattoo - Bing Images

    (without that lower band thing)This tat looks drab because it has not been colored in. Something like this will take a few to several sessions to fill in, but will really pop out once the bright colors like red, yellow, green, blue are introduced.

    Have a good one!

    Abner :smile:
  8. eilla05

    eilla05 New Member

    Thanks Abner! Wow that one you want is big!!!! I don't think I am quite ready for one that size yet!
  9. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it's a big one. I think labeled it a tiger tattoo when I should have labeled it as a dragon tattoo. I am getting the outline done next month.

    Have a good one!

    Abner :smile:
  10. I'm not too offended or biased by people who have tattoos, but I probably would never get one myself - needles and I don't get along. Not to mention I tend to look towards the future when it comes to possible consequences from my actions - Tattoos don't usually look very attractive when you add a couple billion wrinkles all over your body.
  11. suelaine

    suelaine Member

    I agree with the above except I'm not afraid of needles. I feel it is a fad, even in my age group (40s and 50s and up). I personally have never seen one that I would call attractive but I realize that many people like "artwork" on their body even though it does not look the same as they age, and they might change their mind about "liking" whatever design they chose at one time, but it is hard to get rid of them.

    My husband and I ride motorcycle and we get teased a lot about not getting tattoos since most bikers are notorious for their tattoos. They think it is because we are "afraid of needles." I just don't want permanent blobs of ink, no matter how artistic it might be, on my body.
  12. carlosb

    carlosb New Member

    Nokia patents a tattoo that vibrates when you get a call

    I agree. Putting ink on my body is like putting graffiti on the side of my car. To each their own. At least this one is useful:

    Nokia patents a tattoo that vibrates when you get a call -
  13. Wisemon101

    Wisemon101 New Member

    Tattoos? I'd say just don't do it! Honestly, they aren't that attractive, and only get less so with time - wrinkly skin don't do much to flatter anything on your body. Have a good one!
  14. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    Maybe you plan on getting wrinkly skin but I don't. By the way, I erased the advertising from your sig line.
  15. ryoder

    ryoder New Member

    I was always told to keep my body clean of tattoos and piercings. I think they are unattractive. But some people probably disagree and think they are attractive. To each his own.
  16. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    For every "My Mom and Dad were tragically killed by a drunk drive on my birthday so I have their names tattooed above my heart" tattoo there are thousands of drunken/young and stupid/old and stupid/my friend was one so why not tattoos out there.

    My favorites are:

    1. The flames/cat eyes/flowers and vines on the saggy breasts of middle aged white women working at Wal-Mart(what happened to keeping them tastefully out of site?). I can never stare at them enough. Usually ends up in a slap in the head from my wife, but she laughs too!

    2. Grandmas with anything on their ankles.

    3. Single mother baby tags, i.e. names-newborn feet-birthdates behind the neck or above the butt at the waste line (tramp stamp/ho tag but delightfully yummy to look at).

    4. Men (really people who have penises but follow trends like teenage girls) who get the latest and greatest. Their progression looks like this: Barb wire, barb wire with blood dripping from it, tribal bands around the arms, kanji/oriental characters, sleave tattoos (every MMA'er has them) what's next for the legion of rebellious 18-34 year old demo? I await with bated breath.

    Women with tattoos. Giving dirty old men like myself just ONE more thing to stare at with my shades on.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2012
  17. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    I was told a lot of things too. Most of it was crap.
  18. Kizmet

    Kizmet Moderator

    It's OK to take the shades off. If a woman gets a tattoo and you can see it then it's by design. She wants you to look. Just don't make obnoxious comments (and don't drool too much).
  19. taylor

    taylor New Member

    IMO I think you have to be in good or at least decent shape to have a tattoo to look good on you. Which is probably why many people regret getting one as they get older. One of my roommates in college has a bald eagle tat on his shoulder. It looked pretty cool on him in his 20's because he was buff and had a six pack. Now fast forward almost 20 years and he's just a balding fat guy with a tat, drinking beer poolside.
  20. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    He he he he!

    Abner :smile:

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