Why Do People Without Kids Talk Incessantly Aboput Their Dogs?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by little fauss, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Cats need pet humans for entertainment purposes.
  2. DesElms

    DesElms New Member

    Cats let you live with them. It's completely their call. It's strange, I know... considering that they're the ones who lick their butts... but hey... it is what it is.
  3. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    I thought it was something else my cats were trying to lick.
  4. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why Do People Without Kids Talk Incessantly Aboput Their Dogs?

    Let's have some fun.

    I see no problem with animals; I love them.

    They're tasty and crunchy.

    \And by the way Jack, I don't think my friend is a little wacky, she's just slightly misguided.

    You, however, are a little wacky. But G-d still loves you, and therefore, I must as well.
  5. suelaine

    suelaine Member

    Pets are not people too

    I find this thread mostly entertaining. I don't have any pets and I feel that I am in a minority. It took me about five years of marriage to convince my husband that we are better off without any pets (we have six kids between the two of us). At this point, he feels the same way about getting a pet as I do. We love that we don't have to get a babysitter for our pets if we want to pick up and go somewhere. When I go in homes of people who keep their homes spotless and are obsessed about cleaning...still their house smells like a dog (or cat or both) but they don't know it and don't believe it. I can smell their animals right away and I don't like the smell. And I grew up on a farm! I don't hate animals but I hate it when smelly dogs jump on me or lick me. All my step children have pets. My son will likely have a dog once he is on his own. My two daughters are like me and there probably will not be pets in their homes (unless the one who is not yet married marries somebody who convinces her to get one). When my kids come back after a weekend at "Dad's" they have pet hairs on everything. I hate it. I have friends that consider their pets to be their babies. This is not just people with no children; some have children that are grown and gone and some just consider them "additional children." It does annoy me a little when people seem to equate pets to people. I can understand "loving them" but I don't see them as on the same level.

    Recently, I went on a "biker" tour with my husband. We stopped at a tasty-freeze for ice cream. There seemed to be a "dog" in the owner's family that hung around outside and expected EVERYBODY to give it the bottom piece of the ice cream cone when the rest was gone. It would stand there and watch to see who was close to finished with the ice cream and would walk over to that person and look up anxiously waiting for its "treat." Everybody was laughing and going along with it, giving the dog the last piece of the ice cream cone. Well, I NEVER cater to animals that way. I paid for my ice cream cone and I like to eat it all. When it came my turn, there was the dog....looking up and waiting! And all eyes were on me (only my husband knew I might not give the dog anything). I had to think about it a second...would I go against my grain just to appease the crowd and the dog...or.... Well, I decided not to share! Must be this happens from time to time...the dog just moved on to the next...
  6. PhD2B

    PhD2B Dazed and Confused

    Dogs do something more disgusting than drink out of toilets: they eat cat biscuits.

    My wife loves to bring our dogs with us when we walk over to our friends’ house. Our friends have a cat and a dog and love it when we bring our dogs over for a play date. Our friends’ dog has this disgusting habit of eating out of the cat box in which she passed on this practice to my youngest dog. So now, anytime we bring the dogs, I have to make sure my dogs don’t have access to the cat box.

    BTW – this act appears to be a common theme among dogs. See the link…


    Dogs are, for the most part, disgusting.

    The only reason I have two dogs is because my wife loves dogs. Dogs are nice but I don’t particularly like having them in my house. So anytime I see my kids allowing the dogs to lick their face, I remind them of where their tongue has been. :D
  7. dcv

    dcv New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why Do People Without Kids Talk Incessantly Aboput Their Dogs?

    Good ol' Kansas distilled hayseed.

    Nyuks and guffaws fall from slackened jaws, along with bits of bologna sandwiches.
  8. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why Do People Without Kids Talk Incessantly Aboput Their Dogs?

    In the time that we've both been on this board I've agreed with you far more often than not. You started this thread in a lighthearted way. I took issue with something you said. You've decided to side-step the issue. I've decided to let you.
    Have a good day.
  9. marilynd

    marilynd New Member

    I use to call them "cat snackies."

    My dog used to love them.

    Yum! Yum!

    [Consider what animals must eat when they're roaming the street.]

  10. PhD2B

    PhD2B Dazed and Confused

    Another Web site about dogs eating "cat biscuits/snackies" suggests the reason is because "cat biscuits/snackies" are high in protein.

    Hmmm...maybe the bodybuilding community would be interested in exploring this cheap source of protein. :D
  11. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    My wife says that our cats' attitude of superiority stems from their divinity in Egypt.

    She ALSO says that the Torah contains a misprint...it was a Golden Cat not a Golden Calf.

    My second ex, a Labrador lover, called them "kitty treats".

    I do NOT kiss my cat. And I wash my hands after petting her. Most of the time. When I think about it.
  12. marilynd

    marilynd New Member

    Well, it would be another way of becoming sh**t-faced.

    (Oh, god . . . I can't believe I just said that.)

  13. marilynd

    marilynd New Member

    Sorry. I included one too many "*".

  14. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Why Do People Without Kids Talk Incessantly Aboput Their Dog

    Jack, I wasn't trying to sidestep the issue, I was trying to bait you; to find out what you really believed on the matter; to find out whether you're just an oversensitive animal lover or a stark raving lunatic of animal rights activism.

    You've been coy as to where you fall on the spectrum, so I'll be more direct this time.

    I am a speciesist. A stark raving one. What the Grand Master Poobah of the Ku Klux Klan is to racism, I am to speciesism.

    I think it's right to pen animals up so that you can can later kill them. Their meat tastes good, and as I have four nice sharp teeth that are designed for tearing meat, I know G-d is on my side in this matter.

    I think it's good to shoot an animal and then tear its flesh into strips and different shapes to makes articles of clothing for me.

    I think it's wonderful when people exercise dominion over animals and refuse to give them their freedom, so that the people can derive pleasure from the beast. The cow may want to wander into the next pasture or onto the road, but the farmer wisely knows better and confines Bessie against her will, and we get tasty milk and beef.

    And now for the light hearted commentary that apparently ruffled your delicate feathers: if my kids like to rough house kitty from time-to-time, what of it? I already said--or implied--that we monitor the situation. If the boys pile on top of kitty, we yank them off. If they do it a second time, I take my right hand and move it in a rapid horizontal arc stopping suddenly at the point of their quivering gluteus maximi.

    I don't want kitty to be squashed flatter than a pancake, either.

    It's not like I don't share in the challenges of children as well. Along with the good, one must take a little bad. I get pinched, kicked, stepped on, vomited upon, drooled upon, urinated and defecated upon with regularity. On practically a daily basis when I'm resting on the couch from a day's work, I have one or two children make a run to jump into the lap of daddy. They almost invariably manage to lift that knee just so and strike me in the only place that gives a man a real taste of the joys of unsedated childbirth--it's a wonder we ever had a second child (or third, fourth, fifth). It's not that the kids do this with any ill intent, it's just that they're small children and in their exuberance are like five bowling balls careening about the house. Things get broken, adults and children howl in pain, kitty emits the occasional deafening screech.

    Kitty gets to share in the largesse of this family: free food, shelter, children to play with; she can handle a few of the struggles as well. We're all in it together.

    I do not believe in torturing kitty for my pleasure. I think that's a wrong and evil use of my rightful dominion over the animals. But if you're an amateur philosopher and want to talk utilitarianism, you'll have to concede that such a philosophy taken to its logical conclusion would perfectly justify such torture if the pleasure derived exceeded the pain inflicted. Utilitarianism and Nihilism probably did more to pollute the minds of human beings than any gaffes in the history of philosophy: they helped give us Naziism and the Holocaust.

    But so it typically is with any code of "ethics" conceived apart from a G-d of love.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2005
  15. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    Keep it up, Marilyn. Gregg and I may have to fight a duel over you.

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