Time bomb keeps on exploding -- John Davy loses his job again!

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by oxpecker, Mar 29, 2003.

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  2. jerryclick

    jerryclick New Member

    I can think of a company (which I worked at until recently) where Davy would probably fit in quite well. People in Management had "degrees" from Liberia, Wyoming, and similar questionable degrees.
  3. MarkIsrael@aol.com

    [email protected] New Member

    I wrote:

    > Nixon is well regarded these days.

    Jimmy Clifton wrote:

    > I couldn't pull up the link since it's old

    The Doonesbury strip on May 10, 1994 is the first a series of "Favorite Nixon strips", with the footnote "updated to promote reconciliation". This strip was originally from August 14, 1973.

    Panel 1: We see the White House, behind a wall that says "Post no bills."
    Brezhnev: Mr. President, I'm most curious as to how you've managed the press during this nasty period...
    Nixon: Leonid, I'd be happy to show you... Ziegler!

    Panel 2: The wall now says "Post no bail."
    Ziegler: Yes, sir, Mr. Nixon?
    Nixon: Ron, answer this question: "Ron, will the President testify before the Watergate Committee?"

    Panel 3: The wall now says "Post no subpoenas."
    Ziegler: To be responsive at this time, though I will simply say that as I said -- and therefore this is a repeat of what I've said -- that which I'm unable to offer in response is based on information available at such time!

    Panel 4: The wall now says "Post no bills of impeachment."
    Brezhnev: Very impressive!
    Nixon: Well, we like him.

    In the revised version, the dialogue in Panel 4 is crossed out and replaced with:
    Brezhnev: But he hasn't mentioned your foreign policy triumphs!
    Nixon: They speak for themselves.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2003
  4. tcnixon

    tcnixon Active Member

    Re: Re: Re: John Davy

    Well, that and the whole lying to the American people/being a criminal thing.

    Besides that, he was just fine.:cool:

    Tom Nixon
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Re: Re: Re: John Davy

    It seems funny that people like Nixon, Reagan and Clinton do a reasonably good job as President even though they are somewhat dishonest and deceptive. Carter and Ford, on the other hand, honest ment, did a lousy job. Hopefully, President Clinton will break this trend. I think he is an honest man and is doing a good job.
  6. MarkIsrael@aol.com

    [email protected] New Member

    I haven't read it, but there's a book called The Lies of George W. Bush: Mastering the Politics of Deception. Major things he's accused of lying about are:

    * Iraq's weapons of mass distruction

    * education, Medicare, "Clear Skies" legislation

    * how long he flew with the National Guard

    Don't get too hung up looking for an honest president. Remember that the story of George Washington and the cherry tree is false.
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Not everything written in books is true. Even his political enemies give him credit for honesty. Whe he ran for reelection as Governor of Texas many in the Democratic legistature endorsed and voted for him because of his celebrated honesty. The WMD controversy will be solved. WMD's will be found. Even Clinton and other major Democrats (Bayh, Edwards, Mitchell, Landrieu, etc.) said WMD's existed and these remarks were recent. Does anyone think a meglomaniac like Saddam would deny inspector access and risk losing his country if he had nothing to hide? Of course I know NO president is totally honest, no one is. I don't mind presidents lying due to national security issues, REAL national security issues that is. Many presidents have been deceptive hiding behind the national security issue. I will give Bush the benefit of the doubt until I discover differently. Bush is hated because he is doing so many things that Democrats are supposed to do. I heard a black pastor say Bush has done more for Africa and black people than any other president. Bush genuinely cares about ALL people. This drives the liberals crazy. If he were a Democrat he would be praised for his socially moderate policies. Fifteen billion to fight AIDS in Africa is nothing to minimize. Democrats give lip service, Republicans act. Must be the Yale in him, ha! Had to make this relevant someway.


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