Extreme views I think. As a teenager I got to read the communist manifesto. It was banned in those days on islands. I still don’t understand the fuss. Nothing new or revealing. The struggle between the rich and the poor has always been with us and will always be with us. No economic/political theory will ever solve it. Religion and philosophy only try to find ways of coping with this divide. Even the Christian god understands it is a natural phenomenon for the rich to get rich, and for the poor to get poorer.
I take it that is a reference to Marxism. Marxism is built around the idea of salvation, social salvation in this case, so it appears to be soteriological. And it has a very pronounced eschatology, seemingly influenced by Biblical apocalypticism. (There's obviously a great revolutionary 'tribulation' supposedly coming at the end of history that will usher in a classless paradise.) But given its atheism, I'd call it an 'atheology' I guess. I don't know how "sloppy" it is, since generations of university professors have devoted their entire professional careers to refining it. (Prior to 1990 there was an entire academic publishing industry devoted to the hermeneutics of Marx's 1844 Manuscripts. Since then, the onetime Marxist professors seem to have turned to race and gender instead of economic class.) But it certainly doesn't seem very plausible or realistic to me in psychological or historical terms.
Google "late capitalism" if you want to see loonier latter-day Marxists who think we're in the equivalent to the End Times and that the New Jerusalem is coming Real Soon Now.
Marxismis several things. It is an approach to social science ("class analysis"), which was practically revolutionary at the time. Also, it's a detailed scientific theory of history, also notable as an attempt to do that. By this time the detailed predictions it made ( capitalism turning into imperialism leading to world Communist revolution) didn't come to pass; the theory can be considered debunked. Then there's Leninism, a variant of Marxism that was tried in USSR- even bigger failure. It is when Soviet practice cut off avenues of questioning Marxism when it turned into cultish ideoligy/religion. I would say that to be an orthodox Communist now is like being member of the Flat World Society. Clinging to a Ptolemaic model which was a notable intellectual achievement 2500 years ago, but since shown utterly wrong. Except being Communist also requires ignoring millions of victims of one's ideology. Not best moral ground.