Worrisome Fed news

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by nosborne48, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    True, very true.
  2. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Speaking as brutally truthful as I never do, the deaths of about a million Americans from Covid is a horror and a national tragedy. But a dead American is a dead American and everyone eventually dies. The burden of the wholesale evaporation of household wealth is something that affects tens of millions of living Americans many of whom now face a blighted old age without time to rebuild their fortunes.
  3. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    Neither are good for America.
  4. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I wouldn't call either cancer or the flu good for me, but between the two I know which one I'd prefer to get.
    Jonathan Whatley and JoshD like this.
  5. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    I’d consider one a glioblastoma multiforme and the other a pancreatic cancer. For those who do not know, those are 2 cancers with the lowest 5-year survival rates. And honestly, I’d prefer neither.
    Johann likes this.
  6. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I may not love Biden, but he's not an existential threat to representative democracy.
    Suss, nosborne48 and Jonathan Whatley like this.
  7. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    Honestly, I do believe anyone running is good or a “lesser” evil. I usually stay out of politics mainly because I am of the belief no career politician has the best interest of the working class in mind. They have lost touch of reality because they are consumed with their own little bubble.
  8. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I agree with your assessment of the two crises, Josh. (And I did know about those 2 cancers.) It's too bad neither diseases nor disasters recognize people's preferences. If they did, we wouldn't have either. And that would be miraculous.

    If we hadn't had Trump - there would still have been the two crises - but the effects of the one that occurred on his watch - Covid - would have been mitigated significantly, under a competent leader. we were luckier here in Canada. A lower death rate - and as for the financial crisis - there was no subprime mortgage crisis. Our rules (which were stiffened further when US woes were apparent) are pretty unfriendly to subprime mortgage lending. Insurance requires all ratios strictly by the book. Ninjas need not apply.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2023
    JoshD likes this.
  9. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    We are seeing Something New in federal governance in Biden's first term, though. A real time saver, I gather. You prepare the impeachment paperwork and proceedings BEFORE you have actually identified any grounds to impeach! So then, once your fishing expedition finally turns something up (or you invent it out of whole cloth for political necessity) all you have to do is fill in the blanks and file it!

    This way, you can go home having accomplished nothing of actual importance but clutching an artificial bloody shirt to wave in front of your Base.

    Pure genius!
  10. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    I believe all impeachment proceedings in my short 31 year life have been pretty…pointless. I’m sorry, but I do not support people in congress making decisions for the entire country. I know there is no perfect system but I really despise those in Washington DC who have been there longer than I have been alive making decisions for the rest of us.
  11. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    If it makes you feel better, the people in Congress have outsourced the vast majority of those decisions for the rest of us to unelected bureaucrats in the executive branch. ;)
    JoshD likes this.
  12. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    I say we just move to Qualtrics surveys for all decision making for the country. ;) lol
  13. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Meanwhile Governor Stupid just signed a law making being undocumented in Texas a state crime. The US Supreme Court has already ruled that states have no power to do this so the very first arrest will be a compensable Civil rights violation.

    I didn't bother to start a new thread because there's nothing more to say. Stupid is as Stupid does.
  14. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Yet another instance of vice signaling at taxpayer expense from the party of small government.
  15. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    I do believe going against the Supreme Court is a battle no one should want to face, especially once they’ve already stated their stance.

    I will add though that we need to require lawful entry into the country and not encourage unlawful actions. I think this would be easiest to accomplish if we made it a much more simple process for immigrants.
  16. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    I doubt Governor Stupid cares much about illegal immigrants. For one thing, his farmers need their cheap labor. No, Stupid's stunts are nothing but Red Meat to the Base paid for by the Texas taxpayers.
    SteveFoerster likes this.
  17. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    This, which is my problem with referring to them as "stupid", since he and DeSantis and their ilk are not incompetent, they're malicious.
  18. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Not buying it. It's their very maliciousness that makes them incompetent. All I hear about them is their malicious activities. They appear to concentrate on those to the exclusion of all else - things they should be doing, but aren't. Stupid? As @nosborne48 and Forrest Gump both said - Stupid is as Stupid does. And these guys DO that. Lots of it. Malicious - and stupid. So... as I see it -- they can wear that label. They've earned it. In perpetuity.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2023
  19. JoshD

    JoshD Well-Known Member

    I will make the comment that while some Republicans do malicious things, Democrats do as well. Reminds me of my twin boys and one comes in crying saying the other hurt him but fails to disclose that he hurt his brother first.

    I view our political system similarly. Republicans and Democrats are quick to point fingers at one another without taking responsibility for their own actions that had led to that point in time.

    Democrats and Republicans both have good politicians (although few on both sides) with the majority on both sides being quite…malicious.
  20. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    I'm perfectly OK with that statement, Josh. My point was, that maliciousness can equal incompetence, because it diverts people from what they should be doing - and they fail in those things, pretty well completely. And that "uber-maliciousness", at least to me, legitimizes the use of "Governor Stupid" despite Steve's assertions.

    Interesting, that you equated some politicians' conduct with that of your young boys. The type of conduct you referred to is, of course, not unexpected from children their age. It's only troubling when it comes from adult politicians who haven't "grown out" of it.
    JoshD likes this.

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