WNMU & 18 graduate hours

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by mattbrent, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    I suppose I should get on that as well!

  2. Joe Certification

    Joe Certification New Member

    Good Luck Ted!

    Ted -- best of luck to you in all your endeavors! It sounds like you are on the right path, so stay the course. I am a long-time forum reader and seldom poster who has really benefited from this site. You have always been one of my favorite "old-timers" -- always a great resource and coach for others on this forum. Thanks!!
  3. StevenKing

    StevenKing Active Member

    Matt Brent?

    What budget is your school using to pay for your coursework?
  4. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    Um... not sure exactly what you mean. It's from the school division's budget. They will pay 70% of our tuition for up to 3 3-credit courses per year. This benefit various from division to division. A neighboring division will only pay $500 for coursework once every five years. We've definitely got the better end on the tuition reimbursement stick.

  5. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    Well, thank you, Joe Certification! Perhaps I'll succeed in my attempt at a naster's degree in history this go-round ... and this will be my fifth try.
  6. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    That's not so bad. I had enrolled in 3 programs and later dropped out because I didn't like their format. I finally found number 4, Walden University, and stuck with it because it was what I was looking for.

    I suppose I could also mention the EdS program I looked into... :)

  7. Joe Certification

    Joe Certification New Member

    The good news, Ted, is that you have completed three very worthy degrees, including two graduate programs, so you know you can do it! I still regret that did not finish the MA in Humanities from CSUDH. I started it at a time when I lacked both time and motivation (not a good combination!).
  8. StevenKing

    StevenKing Active Member


    My school district has no such provision for tuition reimbursement. It's all on your own...*sigh*.
  9. Ted Heiks

    Ted Heiks Moderator and Distinguished Senior Member

    I also regret never having completed my MA in Humanities at CSUDH. I started the program in 1997 but ended up getting bogged down in the thesis phase with 2,017 3x5 cards on the armor & weaponry of the Trojan War and my time in program lapsed as of 2003.

    BTW - What was your emphasis at CSUDH?

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