Winter Puzzler

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by John Bear, Dec 28, 2001.

  1. John Bear

    John Bear Senior Member

    Quinn: Win, place, or show, that's all that I currently have time to look into.

    John: In 1976, the two main investigative reporters for the Arizona Republic, Jerry Seper and Rich Robertson, came to Mendocino, where I lived, and we spent three days talking about diploma mills, which led to their 4-day page-one series. One evening, I asked them what was the biggest story they had worked on. Of course it was the Bolles murder. And they told me what they believed, with near certainty, had really happened. But I've never seen those allegations in print.

    Incidentally, they also (at that time) strongly suspected that there were mafia involvements in the proprietary aspects of higher education in the state, but I've never seen anything in print on those either.
  2. Nicole-HUX

    Nicole-HUX New Member

    I seem to be missing the causal link between Bolles and Murphy.

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