I have noticed on the TRACS web sight that they have submitted reports to CHEA and are waiting to here if they will be recognized. Do you think this will happen? Robert
It will be interesting. I hope they will be recognized. One thing I have always wondered is how much politics plays a part if any. AABC is CHEA approved and a competitor at the undergraduate level. One of the AABC schools, Tennessee Temple University (AABC accredited), recently became TRACS accredited as well. North
I hope to be having lunch with Dr. Judith Eaton, head of CHEA, tomorrow. If the opportunity arises, I'll surely ask. Recall that originally CHEA strongly suggested (my reading) that DETC would not qualify for approval -- but within a year, Dr. Eaton spoke to a DETC luncheon, and praised DETC to the skies. Inside-the-Beltway stuff? I dunno. John Bear
It will be interesting. I am not a guy who bets on things but I have a feeling that TRACS will be approved. Number 1, I think the head of CHEA addressed TRACS previous convention. Number 2, the TRACS web site did not seem negative so either they do not know the outcome after presenting to the committee or they do and the outcome is not negative. Number 3, I really see no reason why they should not be approved. I believe the time before TRACS present re approval they received positive comments with regards to the accrediting agency's methodology. We will know shortly. North
Judith Eaton, head of CHEA, was very noncommittal at lunch today when I asked about TRACS. All she said (entirely appropriately, I think) is that the application is in process, but she cannot say when a decision will be made. I share the guess that they will get it. Very few accreditors are approved by the Deptl of Eduxcation but not by CHEA. John Bear
What would be the practical effect of CHEA's acceptance of TRACS? Would that mean that, for example, ABCS degrees would generally be accepted at ATS schools?
Very interesting question Bill! I also wonder if AABC & TRACS are CHEA recognized, whether the two accrediting agencies would merge? If both agencies were accepted it would seem that a school would opt for TRACS based on the fact TRACS accredits schools with graduate programs. North