While I think of other options for school, I plan to go for the "Big Name". Here are two programs I am looking at and my thoughts. Which one looks better to you? University of Florida Program: University of Florida - Master of Science in Pharmacy major in Patient Safety and Risk Management - http://pharmreg.dce.ufl.edu/safety.html Residence: These are weekend seminars that begin at noon on Saturday and end in the late afternoon on Sunday. They are issues-oriented. There is one seminar each fall (usually mid-October) and one each spring (usually the first weekend in March). During the two years of the program there are four opportunities to attend a seminar, and three of them must be attended. (that would be easy) Admissions: You must have an undergraduate degree (in any field) or a PharmD degree. You must take the Graduate Record Exam and obtain an acceptable score. Applicants who have already earned a master's degree and applicants who have already earned a doctorate (Pharm.D., J.D., M.D., Ph.D.) may be exempt from the requirement to submit a GRE score. I was told I could probably bypass the GRE. Cost: $650 per credit hour x 21 remaining credits = $13,650 Pre-requisites: none Estimated time to complete: All online courses are 7 weeks in length and are taken sequentially; two courses per semester. It will take 4 semesters to complete the remaining seven classes because the three I have taken would transfer. Quality of school: Excellent Relevance to current position: On a scale of 1-10, 8 University of South Florida Program: University of South Florida – AACSB accredited MBA - http://www.stpt.usf.edu/cob/graduate_studies/index.htm Residence: Hybrid – online plus every Saturday (that would be hard) Admissions: Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) of 500* or better in the last five years; AND GPA of 2.5 or better in the last 60 semester hours of degree-seeking coursework; AND Total score of 1,100 or better using the following formula: Pre-requisites: You can take the MBA Essentials non-credit courses, which are pass/fail and held only here in St. Petersburg. Seven MBA Essentials (replacing nine of the core course requirements) can be taken in one semester. The fee per module for the MBA Essentials is $500, up to a total of $2500 for 5, 6, or 7 modules-- with all books and materials included in this amount. The MBA Essentials are internet-delivered courses handled via Savant, and are held sequentially in two week periods with class meetings only on two Saturdays for each of module. You will also need the two-credit-hour QMB 6305 graduate course in order to meet all of the prerequisites. http://www.stpt.usf.edu/cob/graduate_studies/Prereqs.htm Cost: St. Petersburg Campus In-state tuition $258.77 per credit x 36 credits = $9,315.72 plus $2,500 for pre-reqs = $11,815.72 Estimated time to complete: if I take one class per semester, it will take 13 semesters (4 years plus a semester) to complete the 12 classes plus the one semester of prep classes. Quality of school: Very Good Relevance to current position: On a scale of 1-10, 10 I would also like to think about the versatility of the degree and the fact that I already have an MBA (yes, a “lower” ranking one). Which one looks like a better plan if I wanted to gain a strong degree from a strong school?
Just my take on it, but a M.S. in Pharmacy held by a non-pharmacist would seem very strange to me. Since a M.B.A. is a 10/10 for you, why not the distance M.B.A. from UF-Warrington? Seems like the best of both worlds.
I do agree, an MS in Pharmacy is weird. The UF-MBA is $40,000! I thought about this, "What would a graduate of that program expect to do and earn?" I already have a senior manager position and make a very good salary. $40K, I won't do it because I pay out of pocket as I go.
How about the FSU Online MBA? Program tuition seems fairly reasonable for FL residents. Sometimes, I wish that I lived back there.
I just assumed you were independently wealthy, given your aggregate tuition is probably more than I paid for my house. If a AACSB-accredited M.B.A. is on the radar screen, why not Jacksonville State? AACSB and less than $10K; not as sexy as UF or even USF, but still one hell of a deal. With undergrad and graduate degrees from solid (if unremarkable) schools, a grad certificate from an excellent school, and being well on your way to a RA Ph.D., I think you have to ask yourself if you seek this additional degree because of the knowledge you'll gain, or the name recognition it will add to your resume. If it's name recognition, you'd probably be just as well served with another grad certificate or other program from a "brand name" school. I plan on adding a grad certificate to my resume soon enough, but unless it's on the way to a doctoral degree, I can't see myself going through the hassle of another Master's program; the GRE, thesis/capstone, etc.
The MS in Pharmacy programs were designed to meet industry needs that were not covered in traditional PharmD and other health industry related programs. They are taught by the faculty at UF's college of Pharmacy, hence the "MS in Pharmacy" degree. Name recognition wise, UF beats University of Sun n' Fun (USF) any day, but why do a degree in Patient Safety and Risk Management if you are not working in that field? My advice...finish your PhD first!!
Randell, I like the M.S. in Pharmacy better. You already have a solid MBA and I believe you could really position yourself in an exploding industry. Healthcare in general will be the land of opportunity for some time, and Pharmacy may very well be the hottest niche within this growth industry. Pharma is THE REASON life expectancy in this county has went up for some time with each generation. That said, the next generation has, for the first time in many decades, a life expectancy that will likely be shorter than the previous generation. This is, however, in spite of Rx, not because of it. With diabetes and obesity being so rampant, chronic illness and co-morbidities are off the charts. While this speaks to the need for behavior changes of individuals, it also encourages even more opportunities within Pharma. You will see more and more specialty drugs -- including bio-tech drugs -- flooding the market. What you will also see are myriad opportunities for "non-pharmacist" managers to really flourish. Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) are really a hot ticket and they are exploring new and exciting ways to grow and develop. The merger of Care Mark (PBM) with CVS (retail pharmacy) really illustrates this. This is not to say Pharmacists are not sought for senior level positions, but it is to say that talented managers without the PharmD degree are still needed. I do not think the M.S. will look "funny" for a non-pharmacist -- at least not to the PBMs and others (insurance companies, health care institutions, consulting firms) doing the hiring. Of course, all the above takes on a different flavor if you want to stay away from the allied health field. Given that you already have a graduate certificate in health care risk management, I doubt that is the case. The problem with a second MBA is that it may detract from your previous MBA (versus augmenting it -- which I believe an M.S. will do).
I do work in the medical field as a senior manager responsibile for $300 Million in service contracts and providing medical staff with edcuation to reduce repairs and reduce cross contamination - hence patient safety.
You are too kind-right now I manage 53 employees (6 managers and 47 engineers) that are responsible for education and repair reduction. Most of my time (90%) is spent on plans to reduce repairs in the future, stratagies, and employee issues. Very little time (10%) is spent on cross contamination issues.