Which is the most affordable computer science bachelors degree?

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by mARC DENVER, Aug 20, 2021.


    mARC DENVER New Member

    Thanks so much to everyone for being so helpful.
    IU Internationale Hochschule Computer science degree in English is the option That holds my interest, And I am concurrently researching. Apparently, the computer science degree at IU Has discounts for students with previous training, and some tax related discount, and someone mentioned a 50% discount.
    I'm really interested in Knowing which previous training IU recognizes. Excellent!
    Please post if you have any good links with further information.
  2. Rachel83az

    Rachel83az Well-Known Member


    mARC DENVER New Member

    cool. i'm also going to try to find info in german language forums and then i'll post an update here. :) i think im elegible for that tax discount so i definitely must find the instructions.
  4. mintaru

    mintaru Active Member

    Does that mean that you speak German?

    A very popular German DL forum is fernstudium-infos.de and there is even a special sub-forum for IU: https://www.fernstudium-infos.de/forum/165-iu-internationale-hochschule/

    But if you actually speak German, you might also be interested in the University of Hagen. This public school offers a computer science degree (in German) for a total of 1500 euros.
  5. AsianStew

    AsianStew Moderator Staff Member

    Crikey, that is cheap. I'm going to check out the BCS and see if there are any similarly cheap offerings...
    I wonder if there are any more inexpensive options from Germany, I need them to be taught in English though.
  6. Rachel83az

    Rachel83az Well-Known Member

    Yes, there are a handful of relatively inexpensive English (or mostly English) degree options in Germany. Not as cheap (somewhere between $3-7k USD), but they exist. Actually getting accepted is something else. Germany is one of the countries where they are very, VERY picky about credentials. You might be okay because you already have an American BSBA. But they're not necessarily a good option for an American who "only" has a HS diploma.

    IIRC, most/all German universities expect Americans to go to 1-2 years of Gymnasium (advanced HS) before they're allowed entrance. Exceptions are made if you have "some" college experience (I.E. an exchange student) or you have a 4-year degree that has been evaluated by Anabin. Anabin will not evaluate Associate's degrees - only Bachelor's or higher.

    I did a bunch of research before deciding that getting a German undergrad degree was just too much work for my American self. So, TESU it is. I may eventually get a German Master's, though.
  7. smartdegree

    smartdegree Active Member

    Wow, that is cheap. Really envy you EU people, with all your affordable options.
  8. learning_spree

    learning_spree New Member


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

  10. Rachel83az

    Rachel83az Well-Known Member

  11. xorben

    xorben Member

    True. I've got contact in germany with the federal consulting agency for the accepptance of international degrees. And they told me, that UOPeople has not the required national US accredetarion to be acceppted in germany. And this means, it is MOST LIKELY not acceppted in the rest of the EU.
  12. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Germany can be unusually restrictive, though. I mean, they don't accept an MBA from a U.S. school unless that program is AACSB accredited, which is pretty extreme.
  13. xorben

    xorben Member

    Do you know, how this is handled in the EU in General? I thought that the Bologna process is the regulating instance for this.
  14. Rachel83az

    Rachel83az Well-Known Member

    I think that there are a couple of EU countries, at the very least, that would accept a UoPeople degree. IIRC, the Netherlands is one. Croatia another. I haven't dug too deeply into the matter, to be honest. But the country/countries in question only say something about the degree needing to come from an authorized school (I do not remember the exact wording) and that UoPeople and other NA schools technically could qualify.

    Interestingly enough, there is at least one German scholarship for UoPeople: https://www.uopeople.edu/tuition-free/our-scholarships/ Anabin might not accept UoPeople, but, if you're already in the country anyway, some employers might accept such a degree. But you wouldn't be allowed to use the degree for immigration purposes if you don't have another reason to be in Germany.
    Mac Juli likes this.
  15. mintaru

    mintaru Active Member

    Yes, the Bologna Process is the regulatory instance for the recognition of degrees. However, it only applies to official degrees from the participating countries.

    For instance, a Spanish título propio isn't an official degree. Therefore, the recognition of such a degree in other European countries depends on country-specific rules. And the US isn't one of the participating countries, so the formal process by which a US degree is recognized usually is similar to the recognition of a título propio.

    Yes, there likely are employers out there who would accept such a degree, especially if it's a degree in computer science. However, I am sure that the career prospects for someone with such a degree aren't that great. It is relatively likely that at some point in your career you will get to the point where you need additional education to get ahead. In that case, someone with a qualification that is not recognized in Germany has real disadvantages.

    The only safe possibility I can think of in this case would be that someone with such a degree goes to a school in another EU country where a degree from the University of the People is recognized. A US degree may also work, but that's not a safe bet. Besides, US degrees tend to be more expensive than European ones.

    mARC DENVER New Member

    tuhh University in Hamburg has bachelor and Masters computer science degree in English language. Tuition free. But living in the city is still pretty expensive.

    There is another computer science bachelor degree in Germany In English near Munich in uhlm. Should be tuition free.

    Certain areas In computer science don't really require a university degree. You can always just specialize yourself by studying online For free and then find your 1st job. And then after working for a year or 2 you can decide if you want to earn a degree.
  17. LevelUP

    LevelUP Active Member

    Cheapest & Quickest Computer Science Degrees

    TESU $5000
    WGU $3600
    SNHU $9600
    Purdue Global $5600 (This is their IT degree cost for 2 terms)
  18. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    deleted J.
  19. LevelUP

    LevelUP Active Member

    You are correct WGU is the U.S. only. Though people from the U.S. might read this thread at some point.

    The WGU number is one term. If you max out your alt credit transfers, then you have 6 months to do only 8 courses which I believe is possible by at least 50% of people. We can agree to disagree on the completion time, but here are some anecdotal data to back this up.

    Some of the WGU courses can be done in less than a week and some may take multiple weeks for some students such as the math course.

    $31,900 tuition for WGU? That nuts. Why not get cheaper alt credits?
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2022
  20. Johann

    Johann Well-Known Member

    Agree fully. And yes - I suppose some people could do the one 8-course term. As you point out, they already have. And sure - the post might be of use to US readers.

    LevelUp - 3 Johann - 0. Well played!

  21. LevelUP

    LevelUP Active Member

    I appreciate the sarcasm.

    But if I played along, and we were keeping score it would be more like:

    Johann + 1
    WGU is ONLY for U.S. students. I know the OP is super cereal about getting a computer science degree and my error of making a suggestion that has ZERO value to the OP is a massive error. The OP started this thread on Aug 20, 2021, and is likely checking this thread daily if not hourly for new posts. I beg that the OP show mercy on me.

    It can't be proved or disproved that you can get a Computer Science degree in one term by around 50% of students.

    Johann + 1?
    It's possible to spend $31,900 on a degree at WGU I guess. I don't see a point in arguing this so you win by default.

    From my perceptive, I'm trying to help students get a degree in the quickest amount of time, for the cheapest amount possible, and avoid landmines that might lead to failure.

    $3600 for one term I claim 50% can do that and then $7200 for 2 terms, 90%+ can do that considering you spend at least 20hrs a week studying.

    If you are getting federal student loan money, then I think you need to complete 4 courses per term to be considered a full-time student so keep that in mind.

    I made this Wiki plan for a WGU Computer Science degree

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