What schools have you attended?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by me again, Nov 24, 2003.


    TEKMAN Semper Fi!

    Wow! I thought I am the top one on the list for bouncing around at different schools; apparently, I have not made the list. I properly stayed only one school for undergraduate degree if I joined this forum prior engaging distance learning.

    Does anyone know whether Student Clearinghouse have records of those schools that you never graduated on you? If so, would it damage your credentials?
  2. suelaine

    suelaine Member

    I did not bounce around schools. When I was enrolled with ESC back in the late '80s and early '90s, I was working to become a teacher but they didn't have a specific degree plan for one to become a teacher. If I wanted to pursue this route, I had to find schools that offered the courses I needed (specifically in education) that would be accepted by both ESC for credit, and by New York State for teacher certification. At the time, NYS was actually helpful in providing a complete list of RA schools that offered distance learning courses that would meet these requirements. This is how I ended up with so many different schools. I never actually fully enrolled in a degree program that I did not complete except for one. I did take one course at Edinboro University as the first course in a Master's program. Even though I got an A and liked the class, I decided there was no way I could drive to that B&M school regularly, work full time (as a teacher as I was at the time) and also raise my kids that were still at home. So when I found Marygrove had a distance learning option that would work for me, I enrolled in that and withdrew from Edinboro's program. (That was not the only class I took at Edinboro. I took most of my undergrad elementary teaching methods classes there).

    When I started with NCU, I was first registered for the Ed.D. program but when I decided I wanted to pursue a Ph.D. instead, they told me I needed another prerequisite course. Because one of my employers would pay for SUNY classes, I took that needed class at SUNY Albany to meet that prerequisite, rather than paying additional tuition to NCU. They accepted the class and it all turned out well. So I have always had a plan with every class I enrolled in and the only class that was sort of a mistake since I would later change my mind about pursuing the degree there, would be the one class I took toward a Master's Degree at a B&M University.
  3. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Here is my list:

    *Cypress College (Professional Student - 10 years B&M)
    *University of Iowa
    *University of Nebraska
    *California Coast U
    *Aspen U

    I am probably forgetting some.


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