Hi. This is my first post. I've been lurking here for the past few months and learning as much as I can and being inspired at the same time. Does anyone know what happened to the online Computer Science degree at Regis University? The website looks like it has been updated within the last couple of weeks and now it only lists the Computer Networking and Computer Information Systems degrees (besides its non-IT degrees in Bus. Admin., Finance, and Marketing). What other schools still offer a true online Computer Science degree? ... Or is this degree fading away as institutions concentrate on CIS/CIT (read: business technology) online degrees? I feel more drawn to the technical side of computers and would like to pursue a CS degree rather than a CIS degree. Thank you.
I think you might be right.. CIS/IT seems like they are a little more popular than CS degrees. http://web.odu.edu/webroot/orgs/ao/dl/teletechnet.nsf/files/CompSci2002.pdf/$FILE/CompSci2002.pdf Here is one. I believe you do lower level stuff @ on your own and then do the major/upper level via videostreaming. I looks like a bonafide CS degree (rather than a CIS degree disguised as a CS ... all the math and CS stuff..) BR, Bill
Welcome! They have always been pretty rare. Here's something to check out: http://rce.csuchico.edu/cen/ California State University Chico offers both an upper division degree-completion BSCS program and an MSCS by distance education. CSU Chico is rather well regarded in California, and the CS program is accredited by the CSAB/ABET.
I just called and talked to them about it. Regis still has a CS degree so far as I can tell: http://www.regis.edu/regis.asp?sctn=apg&p1=ua&p2=cs&p3=ol The guy I talked to did say that there are 6 classes in that degree that they don't have online yet.
I just enrolled in Regis University's online computer science program. They do offer a Computer Science degree, along with Computer Information Systems and Networking.
It's not listed on the ABET site, but then again neither are some highly-rated programs, such as Stanford, UT Austin, and Purdue (these are just a few that I happened to look for). It might be a big deal for engineering programs, but I'm not sure that it really matters for a CS program.
Back when I was researching Get Your IT Degree and Get Ahead, I found that many of the more prestigious computer science programs were not accredited by CSAB (the computer science accreditor that has since become a part of ABET). Not sure whether or not the ABET name has upped the market value of CSAB accreditation, but it certainly would for me ("ABET-accredited" would sound nice, even for an English degree). BTW- Florida State offers an online 2+2 BSCS program, if anyone's interested. Cheers,
I don't think many engineers are good at english, so, maybe an ABET accredited degree in english would NOT be ideal. Best Regards, Bill
FSU has a 2+2, but make sure you get in the required courses. Florida has this thing called the Gordon rule that specifies how much writing, humanities, etc you have to get to graduate from a florida university.