What Do You Look Like? Occupation?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by little fauss, May 26, 2005.

  1. qvatlanta

    qvatlanta New Member


    5'10", 31 years old, very long brown hair, multiracial (Asian/Caucasian). There's no one I've ever seen who likes anything even remotely like me except for a girl in a Tang commercial I saw ten years ago.

    Transcription Manager running a small branch office in Atlanta, engaged to a rare bookseller and proud owner of a Xoloitzcuintle...

    Attached Files:

  2. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    He looked like an average Middle Eastern Jew, at least according to the Prophet Isaiah.

    You people must think I have no capacity for humor.

    Since one has talked about the person they most look like, I'll chime in:

    I look most like Woody Harrelson.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2005
  3. qvatlanta

    qvatlanta New Member

    LOOKS anything like me, that is.
  4. Michael Lloyd

    Michael Lloyd New Member

    45, an administrator at a large multi-specialty medical clinic, and with a strong resemblance to Lionel Hutz, but with five fingers on each hand, grayish-pink skin and hair like Homer.
  5. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    cool dog!

    Hi qvatlanta:

    Cool dog, I believe Xoloitzcuintel is an Aztec or toltec word? Is that breed of dog also known loosely as a Mexican Hairless? I see he has hair on his face, but it looks like he/she may be hairless on the rest of it's body. I have only seen one in my 39 years.

    Your fiance sounds like a lucky man. I wish you the best.

    Abner :)
  6. qvatlanta

    qvatlanta New Member

    Re: cool dog!

    You're in for it now :)! I'll spare everyone the whole 20-page essay "Why the Xoloitzcuintle Is the Best Dog in the Universe, Even if There Were Dogs on Jupiter and Mars". Xoloitzcuintle (xolo for short, pronounced "show-low"; even easier is "Mexican Hairless") is a Nahuatl word. The Aztecs as a people were not even really called "Aztecs"... that was the common name for their empire. Nahuatl is a language still spoken by very many people in Central Mexico today. Xolos as a breed are very ancient and have been around for thousands of years. The Chihuahua is a distantly related, much more common but newer breed. It has some indigenous Mexican blood but most of its ancestry comes from 19th century European toy dogs.

    My xolo, Dragon, is very small (13 pounds) and has hair only on his face, toes and tail. However, there is a really great degree of genetic variation among the breed. We saw one recently that must have weighed about 70 pounds. All xolos lack the negative temperament characteristics of many purebred dogs. They are not high-strung. They are excellent guard dogs but bark only a few times to notify their owners then stay silent the rest of the time. They are very loyal and friendly. Unfortunately the xolo has become rare even in its native Mexico and is not well known at all in the United States. I encourage anyone who wants the perfect well-behaved, clean, urban, apartment dog to look into adopting or buying a xolo! You will own not only a great dog but a living piece of pre-Columbian history!
  7. Mr. Engineer

    Mr. Engineer member

    Complete with the hash pipe?

    One of the security guards where I once worked said I looked like a skinnier version of John Goodman. I guess she meant I looked like this...

    (of course, she looked a bit like a skinner version of Betty -- a.k.a. Rosie O'Donnel -- boy she was insulted when I told her that!)

    Little: Yes, I am an old fart. Born at the end of the baby boom -- and boy do I feel it. I was helping a young sh** the other day complete a data analysis on a new substrate we were developing - and boy, after 4 hour of leaning over the equipment watching the plasma etch away - I felt like crap!

    Attached Files:

  8. adireynolds

    adireynolds New Member

    Oxpecker, where on earth did you find that pic? *shudders*

    Okay, time to even up the gender imbalance. :D

    37, 5'8", short strawberry blond hair, hazel eyes, Irish/English descent (we're talkin' very fair skin here -- I do stick out a bit in my current environs!). HR manager at a university in the Middle East.
  9. Abner

    Abner Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: cool dog!

    Hi: :)

    Well, I must congratulate you on owning one of these beautiful, rare dogs. The breed has a fascinating history. The only time a saw a Xolo, was on a trip to Gomez Palacio Durango, Mexico. I was around twelve years old and my Martial Arts Instructor took me there to train and study under a Master over there for a month. Anyway, on my breaks from training, I would go to a little grocery/snack store near the plaza in the middle of town. The owners of this "tiendita" owned a Xolo, he was kind of light caramel colored, had a few wisps of hair on his head and tail. His skin was kind of freckled. He was about the size of a large Chihuahua. To this day I can remeber this dog as if it were yesterday, I had never seen anything like him! On another note, I have heard the Nahuatl language spoken, it is beautiful. Few people seem to realize Mexico's native language is not Spanish.

    Anyway, I digress. In parting, I would like to add that I also collect Zapotec wood carvings.

    Have a great long weekend!!!

    Abner :) :)
  10. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Now that I reflect upon it, I actually look and sound more like Homer Simson than Yoda.
  11. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    You've read my posts, need you ask?

    Actually, that's all in my past now.

    I'm a dead ringer for Woody in profile, but my face is a bit wider than his when looking at me from front on. And from what I hear, his hair is slowly creeping north like mine. We could be brothers.

    Nice to meet you and bicker with you, Mr. Skinnier-than-Goodman.
  12. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    Homer's certainly preferable to Yoda. But hopefully your wit and wisdom resembles the latter more than the former.
  13. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

    I'll take that as a compliment because I assume you're shuddering with envy.
  14. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member


    Out of curiosity, what is your Stanford Ph.D. in and what are you doing with it?
  15. Han

    Han New Member

    Well..... I am astonished at the lack of women, so I need to put in my side, to try to even things out :)

    "Younger" (to this group anyways, but to my undergrads I am old)....
    Short Brown Hair..... for the summer......
    Brown Eyes.....
    6 foot tall.......

    Marketing (aerospace and pharma) in industry, but teaching is my passion.......

    I think this thread is a riot........
  16. dcv

    dcv New Member

    6'6", 250# Technology consultant for a regional library system.

  17. oxpecker

    oxpecker New Member

    I am a biologist, and I work in biotech R&D leading a group of 25 scientists (7 with PhD degrees of their own).
  18. little fauss

    little fauss New Member

    You are one big honking technology consultant!

    You're almost exactly the same size as my father-in-law (6'-5", 260lbs).

    And having read about my slighly underaverage stature, you know I treat my wife like a princess out of sheer terror at the consequences if I didn't.
  19. dcv

    dcv New Member

    Same here, but for a different reason - that's a hundred pounds of mean standing on my right.
  20. nosborne48

    nosborne48 Well-Known Member

    Another night in the garage, dcv?

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