Hi room I need some advice I have an opportunity to take free cert classes for A+, N+ and computer repair . I know next to nothing about computers are these programs worth while? is there any demand for the credentials in the job market? I see a lot of ads for the training but I dont notice a lot of jobs looking for teh gredentials are they worth getting and if so which ones ? CNE? Cisco? Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Yes, they are worth doing. Yes, there is a demand for these. Some people who have these certifications make a significant amount of money. However, if you don't know a lot about computers, as you say, the learning curve may be pretty steep, and it is very important that you understand what the certification does and what kind of job it can help you land. BTW, of those you mentioned the CNE and Cisco are probably the most difficult, but also the most lucrative. You might also want to look into the MCSE. It can be a valuable certification as well. Good luck.
A+ would be the 1st step for you. After that, it depends on your interests. A lot of people go the Microsoft route, taking the 2000 Pro Exam, Server, etc. Some stick with Comptia and do Network+ and others go Cisco and Novell routes. It all depends on what you are interested in. All of them may not be worth what you want them to be but none are worthless and some are required for jobs.
Certs My ongoing dilemma is deciding whether Certs is a candy mint or a breath mint. Candy mint; no breath mint; no candy mint Darn multiple personalities.
Here is my suggestion - If you like working with hardware more than applications try Cisco. If you like working with applications better try MCSE, Novell or Linux. Of course I would say take free classes - you may find out that the field is not that interesting to you. Cheers,
One more thing - There is always the security field which is paying quite well right now. So add this to your consideration. Cheers,
One think to consider... Certs are ephemeral.... Technology marches on. You may find a BS to have greater utility. Regards, Dick
You can always consider this route(which i did) MCSE -> CCNA -> Network+ -> CCIE -> CISSP (preparing) Now looking for a cost-effective MBA (Technology).
Certs are extremely important. Some employers feel they separate the hobbyist from the professional. Are far as the order to take…everyone has an opinion and here is mine. Take the A+, N+, then MCP (Windows 2000 Professional was easy). That will give you a great foundation for a career. Since Microsoft is the dominant force in IT, I would start with the Microsoft certs BUT be aware of Novell and Linux. I would also recommend, as Richard did, considering a degree in IS/IT to complement your certs. When I completed my MCSE on NT 4.0, the announcement was made that Microsoft would retire that certification. At that point I got my AA in Computer Science Technology. My manager at the time had a Masters in Computer Science that she received in the 1980’s. Her masters degree never retired although technology changed greatly. Get my point? Best of luck.
One other point- The CompTIA certifications (A+, N+, Server+, i-net+, Linux+, etc)are for life, they never expire. Microsoft, Novell, and Cisco certifications do expire
Well degrees are great, but college doesn't teach the same things that cert programs do. And I do have a couple of degrees now but I was hired because of the certs and experience. I also have seen alot of college folks get their heads handed to them. If they want to go play manager fine. Stay out of the worker's way!! Certs = A+,N+,E+,CTT+,I+, MCIWD, MCIWA, MCP,MCSA,MCSE,MCT,CCNA,CCNP,CISSP and working on the PMP. Oh and MAster certificate from GWU in IT Project Management, starting masters in oct.