What about double major Human Resource and MIS?

Discussion in 'IT and Computer-Related Degrees' started by tlvb25, Apr 5, 2011.

  1. tlvb25

    tlvb25 New Member

    Tell me if you think a double major in these two degrees(w/ a minor in IS) would go well with each other. My slant on this is that, I personally believe that not many Human Resource Managers actually have a technical background and adeptness to recruit the right technical workforce.

    I also would think that this combo would make me a credible person to put in a higher management role, being that I would have received schooling on managing the most important resource, the human one. What do you guys think?
  2. AUTiger00

    AUTiger00 New Member

    moving up in an org is going to have a lot more to do with your experience than your degree. There's nothing wrong with pursuing those two majors, but once you graduate which field are you going to pursue?
    Keep in mind, HR is so much more than hiring/recruiting people. As an HR generalist you may filter resumes but a hiring manager in the department someone will be working in will make the final hiring decision.
  3. 03310151

    03310151 Active Member

    You are absolutely right that most HR people do not know anything about recruiting IT people. That is why most companies use a key word resume searching tool to assist them. The days of some schmo HR noob sitting at a desk looking at resumes to decide on the "best candidate" are over.

    I think breaking into HR is almost as difficult as breaking into IT. Most HR people start out at the bottom. You'll be in charge of setting up the company blood drive and making sure that there are enough balloons at the VP of Finance's desk on her birthday. It's about as female dominated as IT is male dominated. HR people, for the most part, look down on IT people. I imagine it would be pretty difficult to cross that border and bridge the two into a career. Have you looked on indeed.com yet to see if this hyrbrid position exists?

    Good luck with your decision.
  4. Petedude

    Petedude New Member

    IMHO, a degree/major in HR alongside IT really only has one function: to be able to demonstrate competency in HR issues such that you can answer any disputes that arise regarding your staffing decisions as an IT manager.

    Just my two cents. :)

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