Westwood College?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by phancom, Jun 9, 2004.

  1. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member


    Your post comes across as a personal attack. Perhaps instead of doing that you could point out where I am wrong and provide proof of such? While I do find myself wrong at times, I am not convinced this is one of them. What positions are you suggesting are accessable to a CN grad, but not a CS grad? Thanks.
  2. Dave Wagner

    Dave Wagner Active Member

    Yeah, Dave's post seemed correct about Computer Networking. It's probably a vocational certificate or AS degree, but not normally seen as a Bachelors designation. Where was the error in that information?

  3. gmattox

    gmattox New Member

    Networking technology and network/computer security are becoming more popular majors. I am going to a comm. college for a A.S. in Computer Info Tech. with Networking. My Comm College offers a joint bachelors with Peirce College of Philadelphia in CIT with a concentration in either Networking or Networking security. Here is the link for Peirce http://www.peirce.edu/Info_Tech/technology.asp
    Also, check out Davenport University, I found an information and computer security B.S. through them just recently. They offer a B.S. in networking, unfortunately its not available online yet...
    Here is a link http://www.davenport.edu/du/currentstudents/newprograms/programsregistration/programs/technology/bachelors/default.htm

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