Warnborough University

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Niki, Oct 6, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have no idea if they are compensated. My regional supervisor has not brought up the matter and knowing him, he most likely does not care one way or the other. He is doing this because our interests are the same and he is an expert in his field and I am getting there [​IMG] Also, I knew him as a colleague rather than as professor/student long before I asked him to assist as regional supervisor.

    Since the regional supervisors are more than likely college profs anyway they are continuing to receive their usual salaries. How about traditional degrees and doctoral advisors? Do they get paid extra or is that just part of their regular salary? I suppose that would be the key to finding the answer to your question.

    If you have questions about Charles Sturt University feel free to send me an email-- I don't know much more than you at this point --but I can tell you the process I went through to get where I am now (official admissions app and acceptance).

    [email protected]
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest


    Since you are serving as faculty at a US school, and Charles Sturt is a non-US school, will you be remunerated in any way for tuition costs, etc.? Just curious as to how US school administrators view tuition reimbursement/assistance for their faculty members who puruse non-US (GAAP) degree programs.

    Best wishes in your Ph.D. journey!

  3. Guest

    Guest Guest


    I don't work as a full time employee for any one college or university. I am what you might call a career online instructor [​IMG] and as such, I teach from home on contract for different colleges/univs. My contract work changes every semester depending on what and where the work is. I also design online courses for many different colleges/univs as well as private companies that provide online professional development courses.

    All of which is to say that my graduate education comes out of my own pocket.

    *whose accountant is fit to be tied*
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I understand completely! Both my master's degree and professional doctorate (both RA/ATS) were paid for by yours truly. This is one of the major reasons I chose a non-US (GAAP) Ph.D. program--with a current tuition cost of about $6,000, as opposed to $20-75,000 for a US program.

    Again, best wishes in your pursuit.

  5. Rob

    Rob New Member


    I just found the Doctor of Public Policy web info at Charles Sturt. It looks promising.
    What are the qualifications for a regional supervisor? How are exams, etc administered?
    Can I email you direct for more info?

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