Want To Avoid Unemployment?

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by aklover, Sep 8, 2010.

  1. PatsGirl1

    PatsGirl1 New Member

    Sad but true... Probably also related to the rapidly dwindling middle class. Everything here is becoming all or nothing, including education.
  2. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Turf grass is big business - in my area local companies sell over $9-millions dollars worth a year.
  3. I believe it.
  4. b4cz28

    b4cz28 Active Member

    Yes it is. After I was laid off I thought no prob I'll get another job, which I did. I was laid off 4 days into my new job; they came in and cut 20-30 spots. My life style has dramatically changed over the last year. No more weekend trips to Vegas, sold my two race cars and burned through our savings in six months. I talk to other guys in my neighborhood who are all going through the same thing, were no longer middle class, from the outside it might appear that way but there are people living in $150,000+ homes who are barely able to pay the light bill. I just thank god my wife has a great job!!

    Me and my wife are even thinking about moving into Houston where I'm told by friends things are better. We will have to find job's before we move, but the $170,000 house is dragging us down. Anyone want a nice home? We will take $145,000 for it!
  5. Ian Anderson

    Ian Anderson Active Member

    Obviously she has never ran a company - you want the best person that can do the job regardless of academic qualifications.

    My last full time job was with a Fortune 100 company and they had a policy of accepting experience in lieu of degrees for any job. I hired several engineers and technicians with no degrees but great work history.
  6. proracer

    proracer Member

    She told me that she looked at only the education transcripts......

  7. proracer

    proracer Member


    I agree with you. I would want the right person for the position. I was in human resources for two years. The degree will get you in the door, possibly if there are no applications with experience. From there, you must prove yourself capable of doing that job.

  8. Deloitte told me that they wouldn't hire someone without a bachelors degree to answer phones.
  9. TCord1964

    TCord1964 New Member

    I'm glad someone picked up on that groaner! :)
  10. TCord1964

    TCord1964 New Member

    You could always start your own business and create your own job. The time to start would be now, while you still have a job and a stream of income. If your job does dry up, you've got your own business to dive into.
  11. SurfDoctor

    SurfDoctor Moderator

    I'm so sorry to hear of your troubles. In some of the pictures you posted, you looked like you were an officer of some sort, police or security, I couldn't tell. I have a good friend who was in Iraq for 8 years and attained a really high security clearance in the process.
    When he came home, he was able to get a pretty good job doing security that required clearance. He got laid off, was unemployed for over a year and just found another, similar job this spring.

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