US, RA Degree worthless in the UK. BOOM!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussions' started by Fred Wilkinson, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member

    Wow. A Holocaust-denying Nazi apologist. Don't see many of those these days.
  2. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Oh please. You didn't give any points to either address or evade.

    Here is another "point" for you: Evil <americans, russians> used LAND MINES! How evil, tsk, tsk, tsk... Do you see the absurdity? The Great War simply did not know high humanitarian standards of today, UN did not exist, and say Dresden bombing seemed like perfectly reasonable strategic desicion to make, as it diminished the industrial might of the enemy. This still leaves Hitler as THE villain of the time. In my own city there is the site of major Jewish massacre (Babij Yar), and I think it is not even famous outside the Ukraine. It's strange we don't have a proper European-raised Jew to mention the Holocaust now. In that situation, Americans and even Soviets were indeed liberators to be grateful to. Especially if your country was lucky enough to fall into Allied zone of occupation. The democracy Yankees left there had allowed current European Anti-American whoevers (who are you - Anti-globalist? Socialist? Neo-Nationalist? do you have any positive convictions, or just anti-American?) to even exist.
    Now I do not see why me again even mentioned it in a discussion about education standards. It is not even nessesary to counter the absurd argument that physics PhD from major american research university is somehow inferion to anything British (simple reference to several recent Nobel Prize winners would certainly suffice), and was clearly unfair in light of the very real British contribution to the Allied cause. But your response does not become any less absurd because of that.
  3. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Thanks God someone mentioned Holocaust!

    In some countries that know the merits of "regimes created by Germans" firsthand (Poland), it is actually a crime to deny Holocaust. Some sorts of stupidity are just too dangerous to go unpunished.
  4. javila5400

    javila5400 New Member


    Fred Winkerton is laughing his balls off at you people. He started a thread about the "inferiority" of the American educational system compared to that of his motherland Britain. Now you are talking about Nazis, Gooks, Commies and terrorist camel jocks.

    OK. I think I'll play.. Yes the Nazis were evil dudes. But let's not forget what the US government did to 100,000 plus Japanese-Americans. Those innocent people were incarcarated at Manzanar just because they were "yellow-skinned and slant-eyed." These were the words of the Navy Admiral that President Roosevelt ordered to execute the "relocation" mission. (I am not being racist. I am Asian-American myself, Filipino to be exact. Filipino as in short, brown-skinned, dog-eating island dude.)

    Anyway, those Japanese-Americans sure proved their loyalty to the US, didn't they? The 442nd Nissei was the most decorated American unit in WWII. The regiment earned enough medals for two divisions, including at least a dozen Medals of Honor posthumously awarded by Clinton in late 90's. (For you civilians, a regiment has roughly 3000-4000 soldiers. A division has 14,000 - 20,000 soldiers.)
  5. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Ah, yes. So?

    If you try to compare this to Nazi crimes, well... it does not compare. Even remotely. If you want to fight against the discrimination of Asian-Americans... start your own topic. Even by standards of this pathetic flame-fest, this is WAY off-topic.
  6. Friendlyman

    Friendlyman New Member

    I think thats the worst thread I've read here (just my opinion, of course).

    This "my country/people is/are better than yours" is xenophobic and almost racist, at least in the way I see it.

    Before this gets closed, I noticed a comment about elections? I really am not acquainted with US system, and would like to know what is the reasoning for the "district" form of counting?

    Like, in the last election, Al Gore was the people's choice, but Bush was elected because of the "district" counting or whatever the name is.

    Don't you think it would be more democratic to have real direct elections? Whoever gets more votes becomes the president, like in many other countries
  7. javila5400

    javila5400 New Member


    Drink some vodka and relax. I NEVER said Nazi crimes compared with what happened to many Americans of ALL colors in the past. The message I am trying to send is that although the great US of A is the best country in the world, we also have our shortcomings and we also make mistakes. That's all. What the Nazis did were unforgettable and unforgiveable.

    Based on your previous responses, you are one miserable dude. Smoke pot and be happy :D
  8. Hey, I'd love to be smoking some pot right about now. Problem is, your beloved Republican party with all that "just say no" crap back in the Reagan years pretty much put the screws to that little release from reality for all time.... Meanwhile, alcohol and tobacco continue to be legal - go figure.

    By the way, I agree with your previous posts and understood where you were coming from.... right on!
  9. ham

    ham member

    Now I do not see why me again even mentioned it in a discussion about education standards. It is not even nessesary to counter the absurd argument that physics PhD from major american research university is somehow inferion to anything British (simple reference to several recent Nobel Prize winners would certainly suffice), and was clearly unfair in light of the very real British contribution to the Allied cause. But your response does not become any less absurd because of that.

    think whatever you please & stop this one-sided lobby.
    It is bright if you're jew that's the only word you can hear .

    seemed like perfectly reasonable strategic desicion

    even if i said US bombs killed relatives of mine and not hardcore fascists, nor workers at a V-2 factory but lame people at 5th floor.
    Same as you discarded the Japanese or Japanese-american issue.
    Thanks for mentioning "kind yankees" let me exist...everybody who wasn't under their bombs did survive.

    i did NOT mention any jew.
    I have no problem with say 4 to 6 millions jews being murdered through 1939-45, along with 10-12+ millions russians, japanese, etc etc.
    and earlier you had armenians, etc etc.

    Some sorts of stupidity are just too dangerous to go unpunished.

    i'm sure palestinians/arabs agree with you.
  10. jerryclick

    jerryclick New Member

    A brief bit of US History: The United States is comprised of a few very heavily populated states, and a number of sparsely populated rural states. The Electoral College system, (or vote by district) was devised in order that the Federal Government elections would not be dominated by a few very heavily populated states. One of the many checks and balances built into the US system
  11. Bill Huffman

    Bill Huffman Well-Known Member

    The "founding fathers" did not envision our two party system that developed very early in our history. The electoral college was envisioned to be locally elected representatives that would go to Washington and vote on the president. I believe that they envisioned most of the campaigning to go in Washington in front of the electoral college. They envisioned many candidates that would finally be reduced to the one person with a majority of the electoral college votes.

    The number of electoral college representatives from each state is one for each representative/senator. That means the minimum number is 3 since each state gets two senators and the number of representatives is based on the population. So the lightly populated states get greater representation in the system which is enough for an "unpopular" candidate to sometimes win the election.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2004
  12. DaveHayden

    DaveHayden New Member

    There is no comparison between interning the Japanese and the genocide the Nazis did.
  13. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    Well duh. Sure you have. Lots of them. But this truism has nothing to do with anything anyone ever said on this thread. But if you like to "play", you can also state that the sky is blue and water is wet. Kinda the same stuff. I even don't mind, as a foreighner, you pointing the shortcomings of your own country to me, thank you very much. I'm sure our friend "han" is ecstatic.
  14. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    You know what? War sucks. THAT war sucked even worse. If you knew history at least at the comic book level, you would know that pretty much standard procedure during that war was throwing shitloads of metal at enemy cities. For ALL sides. Wich is one of the reasons THAT should never happen again. Never. And your Nazi-appologetic history-book rewriting certainly does not help this cause.

    So I've noticed :)
    That's sweet. No problem, you say?

    BTW, for Russians you're off like 3 times. 30-40 millions woud have been closer.

    So you beleive denying Holocaust helps their cause, whatever that is? How, exactly? You know what, I don't even want to know. :(
  15. javila5400

    javila5400 New Member

    We should get back to the original topic.

    American ejamacation system: good.

    British system: also good.

  16. ham

    ham member

    I'd quit this one sided lobby if i were you.
    You alleged i "denied" jews were (some of the) victims of WWII.
    That wasn't true, inasmuch i never mentioned jews.
    Originally posted by ham
    i did NOT mention any jew.

    So I've noticed
    Now you claim i "deny" holocaust.
    While -again- i haven't even made a mention thereof.

    Perhaps that served the purpose of your own complaint, then.
    At least i hope i gave you the chance to vent & feel better.
  17. Stanislav

    Stanislav Well-Known Member

    oh speak for yourself, will you?
    Sure you didn't mention any of Nazi atrocities, 'cause if you would, your absurd statement about Nazis being "not worse" than Americans would not stand. And things you chose to ignore speak more about your "position" than things you chose to mention. If such "position" has any influence among European "intellectuals", I seriously fear for our common future.
  18. uncle janko

    uncle janko member

    I don't have much to say because Stanislav keeps saying it first, and well. In my family we kill Nazis. And I denounce Holocaust-deniers from the pulpit, observing mildly that they are headed straight for a literal, fiery, eternal hell.

    Only one (gratifying) correction, Stasz: anywhere Shostakovich's 13th Symphony is heard, people know about Babii Yar.


    Friendlyman: another side effect of the Electoral College (of which I am a fanatical supporter instead of direct elections) is that it makes it almost impossible for a presidential candidate to win the presidency on the strength of only one region of the US.

    Of course, I also want to bring back state-legislature election of US senators and abolish government-funded primaries.
  19. Deb

    Deb New Member

    Except that the heavily populated states carry more weight in the electoral college - thereby doing exactly what Congressional districting was created to avoid.
  20. grgrwll

    grgrwll New Member


    Here are the facts:

    In California, each elector represents 627,253 people. In Alaska, each elector represents 208,977 people. That means that the vote of someone from Alaska carries nearly 3 times as much weight as someone from California.

    If we had a direct Presidential election, Alaska, and every other sparsely populated state would be ignored, not only in campaigns, but in policy making.

    Personally, I like the Electoral College. In fact, I think we should repeal the 17th Amendment and go back to indirect election of Senators.

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