University of the Cumberlands EdD: Yeah, I enrolled

Discussion in 'Education, Teaching and related degrees' started by SteveFoerster, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Michelle

    Michelle Member

    TMW, I was pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoyed the synchronous discussions at Nova Southeastern, too. I didn't think I would like them, but it was a lot more fun talking / typing live than participating in what were often meaningless asynchronous discussions during online classes I've taken at other schools. I feel like I really got to know many of my classmates over the program, which is a valuable aspect of higher education that was missing from my undergraduate degree. I hope you continue to enjoy your classes in your doctorate program!
  2. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    They're not large, so outside of Eastern Kentucky I doubt most people have ever heard of them. I doubt it usually matters either way, especially since that was nearly a decade ago. But obviously if that's a concern for you I'm not suggesting you don't take it seriously. It's not like you can poll prospective employers and ask. I suppose you could ask Cumberlands what their graduates' employment rate is, though.
  3. naturegirl321

    naturegirl321 New Member

    Dr Vann just got back to me. He said it would be "tough" which I take to me practically impossible. I'll keep searching!
  4. sirjamesm

    sirjamesm New Member

    What would be tough? Getting a job with a degree from there? or are you referring to the timezone / overseas complications?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2014
  5. Gbssurvivor1

    Gbssurvivor1 Member

    Steve or anyone ele,
    Can you advise what to expect from the entry interview?
    Thanks again,
  6. naturegirl321

    naturegirl321 New Member

    The time difference. I'd be at work when they meet online and I'm a teacher so I can't attend any of the online sessions.
  7. sirjamesm

    sirjamesm New Member

    Have you checked out University of West Georgia's Ed.D program? I don't know if they do the live sessions or not but the price is right enough to justify checking into it =)
  8. naturegirl321

    naturegirl321 New Member

    Yep. You're a mind reader. It's them and UNE. that are now in my list. Getting time off might be an issue but the price is good
  9. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    Mine wasn't a ball breaker, the program director basically gave me an overview of the program and asked whether I had any questions. It felt more like a friendly chat than an interview. If I remember correctly, at that same time the department manager gave me a short test on educational theories, but I gathered that it was more for diagnostic purposes than to see whether I'd be admitted, since I certainly didn't get all the answers right.
  10. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    No kidding -- if West Georgia had had a higher education or instructional technology specialization, I'd have considered them.
  11. sirjamesm

    sirjamesm New Member

  12. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    Mine was more of a casual conversation than an interview.

  13. naturegirl321

    naturegirl321 New Member

    I wonder if there's any way around the GRE at West Georgia.
  14. TMW2009

    TMW2009 New Member

    Mine was fairly casual as well and rife with technical issues (on my side) but Dr. Vann took it all in stride and was cool. Strangely, I did get complemented on my use of Times New Roman font for my Statement of Research Interest. After the interview, I took the educational theories pre-test. They do the pre-test and then later in the program (around the time you're getting ready for the dissertation, I think) they have you take it again as a post-test to ensure you picked up on all the material. Funny thing is, a sizable chunk of what I didn't know for the pretest is being covered in the course I'm taking as my first class (ELSOL 835 - The Change Process/Advanced Human Resource Management - Which as I stated prior, I'm totally loving this class and it's content).
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2014
  15. Paidagogos

    Paidagogos Member

    Matt and Steve, keep us posted! Sounds like a very interesting program.
  16. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I double posted. Oops.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2014
  17. SteveFoerster

    SteveFoerster Resident Gadfly Staff Member

    I'm in my fourth course now. It's "Online Teaching and Learning" so it's not really going over a whole lot I didn't know, but I can say that the subject is being presented well for educators who may not have the strongest background in ed tech. (And it's an education program, not a tech program, so that's as it should be.)

    Paidagogos, are you considering the program for yourself? I see in another thread you're interested in history, you could have an 18 credit specialization in history as part of this program.
  18. mattbrent

    mattbrent Well-Known Member

    I'm actually in the class with Steve. He's right. Much of the information isn't new to me, Dr. Simpson is presenting it extremely well. I wanted to chime in as well because I opted for the 18 hour credits in history. I could've transferred in all 18, but instead I only transferred in 15. That allowed me to complete a graduate course on Virginia History, which I had been looking for. Dr. Coleman, one of their history faculty members, put together a course for me. Their willingness to do this was one of the things that drew me to the program.

  19. Tireman 44444

    Tireman 44444 Well-Known Member

    We ( well I am..LOL) are proud of the both of you. Keep us updated after each class. We know you will be walking across that stage in no time!!!
  20. TMW2009

    TMW2009 New Member

    I'm in my second class at UC, Learning in Adulthood with Dr. Atkinson. It's going pretty good and I'm happy with the level of knowledge and participation of my classmates. During my M.Ed. program at Concordia, my colleagues were hit and miss as far as how easy it was to work with them and participate and everything, but for both of my classes at UC, I've had great groups of people who are invested in their learning. That being said, for both classes, I've actually wanted a little more going on within the class. I've found I've just got a lot more free time than I'm used to, but it's likely because of the difference in class lengths (5 weeks at CU vs. 8 weeks at UC).

    Next semester (Sept - Dec) I'm doubling up on my classes during each eight week term, to knock out my classes for my area of specialization (Psych) through the school. In March, I should have those credits finished and I'll go back to knocking out the main classes for the degree. The downside to UC's Psych class schedule is that they all seem to meet on Tuesday or Thursday, which means I can't teach my normal evening classes on those nights. I'm just going to have to suck it up and miss out on some teaching opportunities to get these courses done, or work at getting picked up by another school to teach on other nights. But I still am really enjoying the synchronous aspect otherwise.

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