Thank you Tom. I thought Kerry's response indicated he would seek Divine guidance before making any decision, including foreign policy issues. Anyway, interesting you mention the closing statements. I have noticed something after each debate. The Bushes seem to have a real closeness and connection, real affection and warmth. The Kerrys seem disconnected, cold, and phony in their relationship. Nothing personal, I don't know. This is just what I think I see. Thanks again, Tom.
I'm undecided. I live in Texas, so my vote is irrelevant. (If Bush can't win here, he can't win anywhere.) I'm a Libertarian, so I can't really stand either Bush or Kerry. However, Bush has done more than any other President in U.S. history to destroy our liberty. And his supporters piss me off. So I can't vote for him. I'm currently leaning toward voting for Willie Nelson.
Re: Re: Undecideds If you're a Libertarian why don't you vote for Michael Badnarik? Also, please give me ONE INCIDENCE where Bush has destroyed your liberty. What can you NOT do now that you could do under Clinton and you feel you will be able to do under John "French" Kerry, who I might add, voted for the Patriot Act.
Re: Re: Re: Undecideds Good question. But you misunderstand. (Probably because I mistakenly used a "big L" instead of a "little l.") My political philosophy is libertarian. I am not a member of the so-called "Libertarian" party. I disagree with them on many policy issues, and I certainly don't believe that Badnarik would be a good President. It is so sad that you feel you need to resort to name calling (John "French" Kerry) to make your point. But I'm not surpised, given your typical level of discourse. I know this may be impossible for you to comprehend, but just because I can't stand Bush doesn't mean I'm a fan of Kerry, or Clinton, or Saddam, or Osama. Now, as for my liberty that has been decimated, I would say my most basic liberty of all -- the right to free speech. Americans have been arrested for holding an anti-Bush sign. Not because they were causing trouble or disrupting in any way. Simply because they peacefully held a sign stating their opposition to the President of the United States. If Americans are being arrested for peacefully voicing their opinions, what good are our other rights? And this is all done in the name of "fighting terrorism." Do you really think that these terrorists are so stupid that they walk around carrying anti-Bush signs at a Bush rally. Of course not. Well, then why is the opposition being arrested? I think this entire country shoud be a "free speech zone." The Bushites disagree.
In California the list of write in presidential candidate will not be published for a few more days. So any Californian who is already decided has not considered all the options. Although I am not being serious with this comment, what if a top entertainment or sports celeb decided to run as a write in candidate? Could this tip the election in some states?
Re: Re: Undecideds Sorry to disappoint you but Elvis is dead. Seriously, I don't think any celebrity would at this point or in this particular election. There is such a "Hate Bush" element in our country that Kerry will get votes he normally would not. Under any other circumstances, Nader would equal or surpass his 2.74% from four year's ago. Under any other circumstances, a celebrity like Donald Trump might pull some votes from either of the two major candidates. Don't think Madonna, Barbara, or Michael would draw. Ross, perhaps.