Ukraine is now single handedly fighting Russia, Iran and North Korea. The totalitarian axis of the world has been emboldened by what they see as the West's fear of "escalation" so it does just that. Ukrainians ask Where are the Churchills? The Roosevelts? The De Gaulles?
So you support liberation by any means necessary, including armed resistance? In the face of violence from the oppressor equipped with the most lethal military force on the planet, where you’ve exhausted all peaceful means of resolution, violence is the only path forward?
Here's my quick view on the bad guys of the world. Russia, North Korea, and Iran (and their puppets like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Houthis) are bad, evil trouble makers. I think Israel has made bad moves and gone too far in Gaza. The USA has made some similar bad moves in the past like after 9/11. For Israel, October 7 was their 9/11.
South Korea is going to send munitions to Ukraine and also military advisors at this stage. --------------- Opinion Letters to the Editor: Israel's defeat of Hamas and Hezbollah can bring peace to the region The defeat of Nazi Germany brought peace to Europe. The defeat of Imperial Japan brought peace to the Pacific. There has not been a world war since 1945. Israel's victories in the Six Day War and the Yom Kippur War ultimately brought peace between Israel and both Egypt and Jordan. U.S. victories over Al Qaeda and Islamic State brought relative peace to those areas of the Middle East oppressed by these terrorist groups. An Israeli victory over Hamas and Hezbollah will bring peace to Lebanon, Israel and the Gaza Strip. Defeating terrorists and showing their sympathizers that starting wars is too expensive is a good thing, not a bad thing. Daniel H. Trigoboff, Williamsville, N.Y.
Trump isn't all that supportive of Ukraine. If he wins the election, Ukraine should prepare for less support from the U.S.
I'm not good in predicting the future. But some analysts think Trump is what Ukraine needs in order to end the war. I may disagree with them, but nobody is asking me. Here is one opinion from many that I read. Ukranian is writing: "Every day in my homeland of Ukraine, people die from Russian bombs and bullets, and more of our territory is lost. The West, under the leadership of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, has talked endlessly of support, but they have given us just enough to ensure Russia does not achieve total victory. Biden’s language has been about not humiliating Russia — “de-escalation” and “off-ramps,” even as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s brutal authoritarian regime advanced on Severodonetsk, then Bakhmut, then Vuhledar, and now Pokrovsk. Next year it will be Kharkiv, and eventually Kyiv. "
Trump is under Putin's thumb. Putin my be blackmailing Trump. Trump would force Ukraine to surrender, at least that's my prediction based on previous statements by Trump.
I patly agree with your responce. The first part I think is a speculation we hear since 2015. The second part, closer to what I think as well. That the compromise will be a loss of what Russia annexed already, they call it DNR and LNR I think.
The opinion I shared is by by Alexander Temerko, a Ukranian born British energy tycoon, and major donor to UK Concervative party. I don't agree with him, but wanted to show other views. I think Putin will not listen to anyone, maybe Chineese chairman is an eception? BTW, I read that since China at some point reduced it female population, via forced abortions etc, the new import from Russia is wives to compensate for the shortage in females in China. 35 million leftover man from one child per family policy. I don't know how serious this is?