U of L application

Discussion in 'General Distance Learning Discussions' started by Nosborne, Aug 17, 2001.

  1. Alex

    Alex New Member

    Hello Orson,

    I just started the MSc in Epidemiology. The lead college is the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The program starts with four core courses: Fundamentals of Epidemiology, Statistics with Computing, Practical Epidemiology, and a course on writing scientific papers and grant proposals. The course materials are very comprehensive and well-prepared, including textbooks, binders with study guides and original scientific articles, and software.

    I haven't yet submitted my first assignments, but I plan to start with American English. I think it would be better to use American English properly than British English with unintended gaffes. The spellings (behaviour, programme, etc.) are easy to change with a spell checker, but there are some subtle differences in grammar and word connotations.

    Please keep the board posted as you follow through with your application to the Environmental Management program. It looks like an interesting program.

  2. Orson

    Orson New Member

    Well, I managed to get my application for the University of London, (MSc) Environmental Management Post-Graduate Diploma (route to the MSc) in the mail before the November 30th deadline.

    Unfortunately, all my planning did not take into account that US postal express services would come very very close to the target (suburban Canterbury)--just not all the way there.
    So I sent it via "Global Priority"--they wouldn't let me upgrade and just take my chances...

    Nonetheless, I got a nice email from them the next week saying that they'd received my application. All seemed to be well.

    Now, two months later, I've not received any word. And I notice that had I received acceptance, my acceptance and tuition was due January 1, 2003...and courses begin in February.

    (Up in the air)
  3. telfax

    telfax New Member

    The language thing is interesting!

    In fact, 'organizational' is correct in UK English even though most Brits write the word with an 's' rather than a 'z'! The Oxford English dictionary points out that the first preference for writing the word is with the 'z' andf the second preference is with an 's'! I alwayas write the word with a 'z'. You are right abotu the differences in 'style' - for example, where a Brit would use the word 'which' in a sentence, Americans regularly use the word 'that'. Having supervised six North Americans for their doctorates I've always advised them to simply use spell check with UK English spelling and change accordingly. Where someone has used North American spellings I know of no case I've come across where the candidate has been penalized...or should that be penalised?!?

  4. dlkereluk

    dlkereluk New Member

    It might be prudent to obtain a written statement about the "preferred" spelling and grammar that students should use from the relevant course instructors.

  5. Jack Tracey

    Jack Tracey New Member

    When in Rome, Bruce, you'll receive a better reception when you do as those crazy Romans do. I'd suggest that you simply make learning British spelling, usage, etc. a part of your overall education. BTW, I'm not much of a computer geek but I'd be surprised to find that you couldn't upload a British spell checker onto your computer.
  6. Homer

    Homer New Member

    Upload? For Microsoft Word:

    TOOLS ---> LANGAUGE ----> SET LANGUAGE ----> English (U.K.)

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