In case you were offered a position there...:blackeye: Two Professors at the American University of Afghanistan Abducted - ABC News
I heard this place got shutdown shortly after the abduction. Don't think we'll hear much about it anymore.
Somebody has to do it. I have in the past applied for jobs in both of those countries. True story. One evening in the Arctic I was waiting for my connection flight. The faces of the passengers who have just arrived looked like they have just seen a ghost. The fuselage under the belly of the plane was ripped off in flight. Within minutes in the cold dark night, I was on the plane trying to get home. Dangerous is relative. The mind and body adjust to make the situation normal. I can tell you stories of walking in - 60 degrees in zero visiblility, wind gusting up to 80km/HR a bad move is a certain harsh death.
A new incident at this same institution: At least 13 killed, 36 wounded in attack on American University in Afghanistan Phdtobe, have fun with that. Danger is relative, and there's a hell of a lot more of it there than most places.